COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Saginaw Dock & Terminal Co.-- Phone Sag. 2-7165.. . Dock located below Sixth St. Bridge. Cleveland Office: 1208 Hanna Bldg. Phone PR 3360. Purchasing Agent--A. B. Rathbone, Cleveland, Ohio. 1 Industrial Brown with 60 boom. ; 3 McMylers with 50 and 55 foot booms. Size of clam shell buckets used 11%4 and 2 yard. Capacity per hour. varies with class of material handled. - Size of magnets used 2--65" and 2--55". Outside storage 50,000 tons. Inside covered storage 10,000 tons. Size of warehouses 1--200'x80', 1--135'x135'. Construction frame with concrete floor. Length of dock 400 feet. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle 400-foot boat with 50-foot bean RR Conn: P.M, M.C, Grand Frank Mer. KR. Alaniva. Res. Phone Sag. 21-835. Saginaw Ice & Coal Co.-- Phone 26194. Location: North Court St. Bridge. A. H. Eggers, Mgr. and Purchasing Agent, 22 N. Niagara St. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 30,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet 6 inches. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 1,400 feet. Bm BR Conn: MC & Pou SANDUSKY, OHIO Kelley Island Lime & Transport Co., The-- B. & O. Dock. 1 McMyler crane. Length of booms 50 feet. Unloading capacity per hour 200 tons. Loading capacity per hour 200 tons. Reach of booms from end of dock 30 feet. Depth of water at dock 15 feet. No storage space. Phone 1600. | Maximum length of boat 270 feet and 46 foot beam. RR. Conn,: B. & O..N. Y. C, Bie Pour, Penna, NK. PB. Supt.--C. P. Hobart. Res. Phone 805-J. Lower Lake Dock Co. (P. R. R.)-- Phone Main 86. Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Car Dump No. 1 Heyl & Patterson (steam-electric). Car Dump No. 2 Wellman-Seaver-Morgan (steam). Car Dump No. 3 Heyl & Patterson (electric). Depth of water 22 feet. Capacity 24 hours 120,000 tons; 2,000 cars. KR, BK. Conn: Penna &. R. Length of Docks No. 1 and 2 1,000 feet. Length of Dock No. 3 3,500 feet. Supt--Geo. R. Johnson. Res. Phone Main 1243. Wagner Quarries Co. (B. & O. Dock)-- East end of Sandusky Bay. 2 hoppers capacity 500 tons each. 2--75 foot conveyors. Jeffery Mfg. Co. stone loading equipment. Capacity per 10 hours 1,000 tons. Storage capacity 400,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Maximum length boat 575 feet, 75 foot beam. KR. KR. Conn: B. & 0. Supt.--Fred Zeck. SANDWICH, ONT. Confederation Coal & Coke Co., Ltd.-- Location: Detroit River, foot of South St. Mers.--kK. E. Fleming and C. S. K. Robinson, Walkerville, Ont. Office: 3510 Russell St., Windsor. Res. Phone 3-9653, 3-8956. 1 Osgoode Whirley with a 45 foot boom. Size of clam shell bucket used 1 yard. Storage capacity 100,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Length of dock 1,000 feet, slip 1,000 feet. Can handle any length boat with 60 foot beam. Supt.--A. E. Berry. Res. Phone 3-8070. Phone 3-5214. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 446