COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued SARNIA, ONT. R. R. Conn.: Pere Marquette. Clark Coal Co., Ltd-- Phone 500. Meri. A. Vollmer. Res. Phone 2323-W. I {) Se Mgr. and Purchasing Agent. Res. Phone 243. Purchasing Agent--W. B. Campbell. Use self unloading boats only. Can handle any size boat. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. Storage capacity 2,000 tons bituminous, 1,000 tons anthracite. Consumers Coal Co.-- Phone 780. Length of dock 235 feet. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. mK. Conn: CN. Ry. 1001 East Portage Ave. Mer.--James J. Larsen. Located directly east Union Carbide Co. Century Coal Co.-- Phone 211-7. Use self-unloading boats only. Located on St. Clair River. se steam on oS Office: Toronto, Ont. ize of buckets used 1% yard. Use self-unloading boats only. ea per 10 oe tons. 1 Whirley "Beatty," 75-foot boom. torage capacity JU, tons. : : Be Slanchiell. deed Dock equipped to handle anything over rail connection. Capacity per 10 hours 800 tons. Depth of water 22 feet. -- Storage capacity 7,000 tons Length of slip 400 feet, width 62 feet. Depth of water at dock 19 feet Can handle any size boat, beam 50 feet. Can handle boats of any length. R.R. Conn: DSS. & A. Soo Line, Mich No. Power coe R. R. Conn.: C. N. Ry. Kemp Bros. Coal Co.-- Phone 27. Supt.--Geo. McArthur. Res. Phone 1816-J. : Harry Bo Kenp Mer) Res Pec 1a Imperial Oil, Ltd-- Phone Sarnia 2300. 3 McMyler Whirlies with 90 foot booms. Located on St. Clair River. 1-2-3 ton clam shell used. Use self-unloading steamers only. Capacity per 10 hours 3 machines 900 tons. Storage capacity 80,000 tons. Storage capacity 25,000 tons--Anthracite 10,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Maximum length of boat 500 feet. Maximum length of boat 700 feet. mK. Cong: © M,C. N_ Ry. ; Can fuel boats of any length. Supt.--C. FE. Carson. Res.:Phone 1896; Supt.--Harris Grout. Phone 2652. Mer.--J. C. Clark. Res. Phone 243. Supt.--John Griffis, Day. Phone 199-J. Mueller Limited-- Phone 1020. Pittsburgh Coal Co. (Algonquin Dock)-- Phone No. 194. Located on St. Clair River, east side. | Dock located above the Locks on the port side. Use self-unloading boats only. tae! 2 McMyler Whirlies with 75 foot boom. Storage capacity 5,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 14 feet, channel 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 500 feet. Size of clam shells used 2 ton. Capacity 10 hours 1,800 tons. 1 McMyler with 45-foot boom, with 1%-ton bucket. Capacity per 10 hours 500 tons. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 447