LACHINE CANAL MONTREAL 62 Miller Bros. 87. Anglo-Canadian Wire Rope Co. 27. Atwater Avenue Bridge. 84 Allis-Chalmers Bullock Co., Rockfield Works. 20 Belding Corticelli Silk Works. 4 Blacks Bridge. 39 Blue Bonnets Bascule Bridge. 81 Canada Car & Foundry Co. (Turcott Works). 83 Canada Car & Foundry Co. (Dominion Works). 77 Canada Malting Co. (Elevator). 64 Drummond-McCall & Co. 55-56 Canada S. S. Lines (Ottawa St. Sheds). 44 Canada S. S. Lines (McGill St. Shed). 19 Canada Sugar Refining Co. 23 Canadian Bag Co. 13 -Canadian Oil Co: 29 Canadian National Ry .Bridge. 40 Canadian Pacific Ry. Bridge. 63 Canadian Paper Board Co., Ltd. 69 Canadian Pacific Ry. Co.-(Freight Yards). 36 Canadian Tube & Iron Works. 45 Canal Office (Canal passes issued and received). Canal Superintendent's Office. 18 Canadian Steel Foundries. 12 Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal Co. 25 Charlevoix Street Bridge. 2 Ccnsumers Cordage Co. 65 Cintin's Dry Dock. (Canada Marine Works.) 57-58 Consolidated Oka Sand & Gravel Co. MONTREAL, P. Q. LACHINE CANAL 54 34 33 46 86 14 73 5 35 71 85 53 11 31 16 15 68 60 2 42 30 29 41 1 f 47 71 Consolidated Oka Sand & Gravel Co. Cote St. Paul Bridge. Cote St. Paul Locks. Customs Office. (Lake Vessels.) Dominion Bridge Co. Works. Dominion Steel & Coal Co. Dominion Flour Mills Co. (Elevator.) Dominion Linseed Oil Works. Dominion Textile Co. (Mt. Royal Mills.) Dominion Textile Co. Dominion Wire Rope Co. Ellis Shipping Co. Government Dock & Repair Shops. Crane Limited. Grand Trunk Bridge. (C. N. Ry.) Grand Trunk Ry. Bonded Sheds. (C. N. Ry.) Grand Trunk Ry. (Freight Sheds.) (C. N. Ry.) Griers Lumber Co. Harbour Commissioners. (Elevator B.) Harbour Pilot Office: Vessels proceeding down Harbour get Pilots here.) Steamboat Inspector.) Imperial Oil Co. International Ry. Bridge. Lachine Locks (Upper entrance to Canal). Lock No. 1, 2 locks right and left, where Canal enters Harbour. Lock No. 2, right and left. Market and River Steamers. Merchants Branch (Dominion Textile Co.). 484 Gv COURTESY OF -- JOU WALLER, POMTREAL. ap Ta R 2 a = % & a Montreal & Cornwall Nav. Co. Montreal Dry Dock Co. Montreal Light, Heat & Power Co. (LaSalle Works and Coal Dock.) Montreal Light, eHat & Power Cons. Montreal Lumber Co. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. (City Mill & Elevator.) Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. (Royal Mills & Elevator.) Ottawa Transportation Co. Peck Rolling Mill ; Prefontaine Lumber Co. Prefontaine Lumber Co. Rice Mills. (Mt. Royal Milling & Mfg. Co.) Robb & Co., Jos. Rubberoid Division Bldg. Products, Ltd. Rutherford Lumber Co. St. Lawrence Nav. Co., Ltd. St. Lawrence Flour Mills, Ltd. ( Elevator.) Seigneur Street Bridge. Sherwin-Williams Co. of Canada, Ltd. Simmons, Ltd. (Bed Factory.) St. Gabriels Lock. Steel Co. of Canada. Standard Chemical Co. Steel Co. of Canada. (Notre Dame Wks.) Tree Line Nav. Co., Ltd., Shed. No. 2. Tree Line Nav. Co., Shed Nos. 4 and 5. Wellington Street Tunnel. Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1940.