GENERAL INDEX Page . ee Page A Pew iistorncal Pacts and Cavials -..0. 2.2 0b i. 363 Gram Shipments from Duluth. .....- 6.2 359 Aiphabpettcal Uist ef Vessels 129 Grain Shipments trom Ft. Wiliam: ......2....-........ 2... 376-377 Alphabetical List of Vessels, Showing Their Grain and Coal (frail Shipnicnts to Montreal ....2.. 2. 2.2... 3 - 376 Deteyine Aspect) 8 191 Grain Receipts at Chicago by Lake ............ oe Gee 357 Piplaberical List of Owhers .2.... W +} "Grain Receipts at Bufalo'.. 2... 355 Aiphabetical Last oi Passeuwer Boats... 2....0. 2. 22. 263 Grain Receipts at Duluth by Lake ......2..<5.5..5..2.5 2] 350 Papuaoetical bast of Car Perics == oh 259 Grain Receipts at Milwaukee by Lake .........-2:.0......53, 347 Alphabetical List of Seli-Unloading Boats ...........00...0... 200 Great Lakes The |. 2.08200 365 Aiphabetical List oft Welland (anal Boats: ..........2......... 274 Flarbor Charts © 20.00. 2 ee 465 Bits Gram BRecepis 5. 355 Flistonical Pacts ........5...055.0..50 3 363 CONS6 3 307 Jron Ore Loadiwe Decks .......--,..:4.. 05-31 349 © (ar Herries. 38 259 yron Ore Unloadime Docks. .......0.....40..--. $26." Carryime (apacittess of laake Vessels... 2.2.6 129-191 Iron Ore Dock Superintendents (Upper Lake Docks) ee 349 CNarts of Parbors ..:.......0....-. 7. , 449 iron Ore Freight Rates ...32.-. 440-402 497 (goal Cattyine Capacities Of SHIbs 0... 191 ton Ore Shipments: ©. .2 0005.3. Os 347 Coal and Miescellaneous Docks of the Great Lakes... 379 Tron Ore Shipments by Rahees ........2... 0202 Sot Cont Siiparents by Poms =. ee, 344 ron Ore Shipments by Companies ..........-... 2. Ae 351 Coal Shrpuiemrs 4% Canadian Forts 2.2... 344 Miscellaneous Docks ..........2......0...... 3-2. 379 Coal Suipbiveays FWihiachte 344 Names of Vessels Which Have Been Chameed....-.........c. Zid Coal Shipments, Mituniuows «ae. 344 New York State Barge Canal Termmails ................ 293-295-297 Coal Shipments t Duluth and Superior ...... 2... 341 Passenmer Boats -....656 ea 263 Coast Gusta Grattens 2 359 Phmsolt Mark 2. en ee es oso Contpass, 16 6.22). 2 ee 14 Preiace =... 8 OC Ae 5 Dry Docks of tee Soreat Jkes 274 Record Cargoes ............-... Se 353 Duluth and Superior Coal Reccipis §........-.... 2. ees 341 RVers ek ea 365 Tilevators OF the Grea lakes: = 8. 299 Sailing Distances: (0.4 277 Pueines and Boucrs of Lake Snips 0 ao7 Self-Unloadine Detks ... 2.0.02 ee First Ship on tue Great Lakes... 0...) 0. 363 Seli-Unloadine Boats ..........--0.5. oo First S#eamicr on the Great bakes 202k. ee 363 Ships Equipped with Radio-Pelephone Sets ................3: 343 Fleet Carrying Capacities of American Boats in Ore Trade... 211 Soo Canal Trame ..-. 2240 52 e 347 General Statisixes of Pate Vessels... 5... 3.3... 1 129 Steamship Corporations "s..4..2-.. 0.21 oe: 3o0 Grain Careyine Capacities of She .. 191 Broker Mired Steamers 270.02... 2.-. 339 Grain Plevators of the Great takes 2... te. 299 Wile Pate 2 ee > Grain Shipments by Ports ............0.......4..... 347 055-57 Waterways and Locks o1 the Great Lakes ............2..4. 289-291 Grain Shipments at Maintowor .......-. 0 347 Weather Semals...... 650.05... oe Grain Freveht Rates from Dulin 6.544.665. 353 Welland Ship Canal ...-.............. pee 369 Grain Shipments from Chicago «3.22.25. 2 357 Wheat Carryine Capacities of Lake Ships ..................., Z/4 497