LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued BUFFALO, N. Y. emienean Shipidiidiog Co. 8. Poem © Corachis .... 8. Biogs (iy & Kithards Boone © to lL Pug Oty Hock Go 8. Pore res, te. 8 eg Oe So et takes towne Co. PRP EN SY MARKING DIKRECIORY CO. 440... (een fF § .. PAuceuias Maric "avudty ............3.....2 222 Scie Survey Buread, inc. .... 20.7... Pete Pete Mandiacturine Co. Inc. ...7.................. ee Peet Pawad, & Sols 92 2. 2. Mea ee elena a len Mevesocre betz Machine Co, inc. 2.4... 7. Weer FOCds fo ee Digaisa Gover Works, inc'... 6 poe @ to Me 8 i. lL Pegdge, © ee. pe heeeesier & Fiisbure) (Coal Co 2) 2... oe ee. Bat ON i ete a Bieta fon Ce | CHICAGO, ILL. Pana Ships Co |. Pie Eon EA lL. aie Stinveard & ry Deck Co. 2... 8, Cte (ee Ce 8 Peta Prank B. . 8 e 2 Puego Aetiat Survey (0 24. 2 (ireaco (stain Trimmers Association «......-...... 3 Cirecee Siping 0. 6 Page 15 87 294 O29 15 290 284 200 5 290 294 126 St 296 ie, 325 252 63 46 292 93 354 284 15 375 72 21 127 7 o75 15 Commonwealth Botler & KRepar Co =... .8... 0... duPont de Nemours & Co 2. 1 2. 8 Bast Chicago Dock Verminal ..... eu er Pilzgeraid Co. -0.00 1...) Fiemme @& (6.76. 1. 3.0.15 .03) 0 (yieat Lakes Towing Co. 7... GREEN'S MARINE DIRECFORY (©) =... 2... 2... Koppers. Coal Co.*..:0 2. Marsh & McLennan 2. .2..50.5.-5....55. 13 Morrison Hotel 2.4... CO Wational Alhimmate Corp... ee North Pier lermitial Co ......... 22. .3..5..45.5 5.2 Osborn & Lange, tic 63 Peabody Coal Co, -........5,..2.... 2.4... .. 4 Ross & Wiley 3.022...) bo South Chicago Coal @ Dock Co, .........2.. 1 2h Sullwan & €o. D.C Upson-Walton Co. 2.02... West Shore Stevederecs (6. 5.5.5... 2. CINCINNATI, OHIO Harter Coal CO... 27. 2, CLAYTON, N. Y. Consaul-lalk Co, Ine 2 2. '2422..5.65 CLEVELAND, OHIO Amierican Siuipbuilding Co... .2..23.21.. Bailey, Captain As... 4... Boland & Cortehus .-......4...5........57... Boon Boiler & Welding Co... :...... 22... Bryson & Go, ©. W......2 (Carter Coq! Co 2-2. ee ee as Cleveland Builders Supply Co. .........; eee Page 224 360 366 84 | 473 253 79 224 207 366 96 270 13 ii 336 358 21 390 15 360 7 261 187 a 96 499