NAMES OF BOATS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED--Continued PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. Str.. Ghiteoutimi (Can.).:... Saguenay. Bee, Cobalt (Can), 2.2. E. P. Beals. "= @pippewa U.S. R. C. Fessendon. Sir, Colbert (Cans)... Baxter. 'Chamberlin; C. W. (Can.jC. N. Pratt. "> Colin Wo. oe. Stanstead--Clyde. " Chambers, Fdw...- . eee North Sea. Bee Comet 2 Richland, Daisy--FPaisley. "Cheyenne (Can) 9... Phencia. pi Colter es P,P: Miller. '" Chicago Tribune (Can.). . Thorold. Collins, ©. 22 E. F. Holmes. ee Sc John Sharples. * Collingdoe (Can.)...... ..D. B. Hanna. '"* Cite' De Trois Rivieres "> Colinge 24 Cumberland. Oo ee Lauzon. ** Compton (Can.).........Eastwood & Massachusetts. ". sCaly ef Cheboyean...-... Duluth. Bge. Compton (Can.).........Northland. "City of Cheboygan... ....- Ann Arbor No. 4. Sir. Colonial. Huron. ** - City of Green Bay... M. C. Hawley. **-Congdon, Chester A... ... Salt Lake City '* City of Hamilton (Can.) . Japan. = Conver Coa (Can. }.2. 2. A. Weston. "City of Hanesck 22.8. Ossian Bedell. '= Consumers Power... . G. N. Wilson--Jacob T. Kopp. "* « Gity Gf Molane. 6... City of Alpena. "Consumers Power... ..- 2. Harry Yates--Jacob T. Kopp. City of London (Can.). .. Kathicen: Bec. Cotdeva.. =... 2... 4: Carrington. "City of Meaford (Can.) . .Seamon. St. Comwall (Can... 2. Algerian. '** City of Montreal (Can.)..China. WS COTONE Cibola. '"" City of Montreal (Can. )..Mapleboro--Seguin. © COIS = J. L. Weeks. "City of Munising... ... Pere Marquette No. 20. " Conestogo: . ....-... . -Susquelmnna. *"*.. City of Muskegon. .....-- Holland. Connelly, Wm. M....... Neptune. "City of Ottawa (Can:)... india: > eonnors, Woy Mauch Chunk. "City of of Port Huron... .City of Cheboygan. " . Conway, Came ©. 2.2 2; R. L. Agassiz. "City of Saugatuck; .. City of Mackinac. Cooke, Delos W.. ....-. Starruca. Uo Cty of Satta. 5.2... Garland. © Coolidge, SB. +... Australia. "© City of St. fenace ... 2. City of Cleveland. * Cormelius Jr, Adam FE. _.G. J. Grammer. «ity Gf SG Josep... City of Chicago. Bee Corny, Wake... 2.2225, J. O. Thayer. "City of ine Straits: City of Detroit. Sir. Core Henry =. Pillsbury. '" City of Walkerville (Can. )City of Hamilton--Japan. Conmmbia 2 Mascotte. 'City of Windsor (Can.) ..E. K. Roberts. "Cox, Geo M22. Manitou. "City of Windsor (Can.) . .Maplebrook--Bickerdike--Arabia. bee. Crane, J. Lo. Theo. S. Fassett. ". Claremont (an)... Baversher--Port DeCaen. Str. Crawiord, Geo.G....- LeGrand S. DeGraff. Erwin L. Fisher. no ream CAly eS, Rhoda Emily. im Cite aS... EP. Bope. So Crescent. E. T. Douglass. lark Aled =. ce es Saugatuck. "> Crotts Farry We. . es So F. G. Hartwell. Bee (levers 7570 se; Gotham 85. 0 SYOSDY, 2G... 2 Naomi. * Cleveancer wv =. Twin Ports. Crosby, 2 fe City of Miami. OU tte Sam'| Mather. « Crosby, Wo). 2G Crabtree. * 1 itor Cen) 2. Viking. © Crowiey, Patmck & . Buffalo. ye, = ke Two Myrtles. \ OMGGe «2 Panoil. " -Coamurst (Can.).:5.. 22. J. B. Ketchum 2d. Cullen fohnn Wo... ee Geo. C. Markham. 219