STEAMSHIP CORPORATIONS OF THE GREAT LAKES Name Fleet No. Algoma Central Steamship bines =... 2.42 ec 2 Algoma Transit Co. tid. 0. 30) ee oO Adil Waterways Nav. Co. >...) 5 American Gieamiship CO. 5 19 Apostice island Trance: Co. .:.. = 2. Sc 9 Afnoid 1 ransit Go. 3 ee. 11 Ashley @ Dustin steanicr Line... a 12 Automotive Trades Steumship Co... 27.0 ek 13 Bay Transportation Co... 2.5. 2.2 16 Bethichem Trans; Gorp. 2.) sa 17 Bison 8.5. Corp, .... 2b ee, 19 Bob-Lo #ixeursion Co: 2... 3. a 18 Bradiey Transportation Co... 2.5.6).5 2 20 Brown Navy. -(e., bid 2) 2. es 23 Brown Steamship Coe 6 235 ee 25 Buckeye S. 5 €0.... 2. 21 Burke Towing & Salvage Go., Litdss.; -..... 3.3 es 29 Butler Steamship Co... .. 2 ee 143 Cambria Steamship Ce. 2. 3.6). a ay Canada Atlantic Transit Ce. of the US. 30 Canada Cement Transport Co. btd. 5. 3. ae Canada Steamship Lines, Lid. 2¢ os. 2.603 32 Canadian Lace Carticrs tid... 8 33 Canadian Pacific Car and Passenger Transfer Co.,I...... 35 Careo Carriers ine 2 22 6 oe a 31 Cement transi: Co. 2 = 403) 38 Chicave, Duluth & Georcvian Bay Transit Co. .... 0... 222... 39 Chichoo- Milwaukee 5.5. (6. .....2.. 2. 2.5 40 icaeo-Reosevelt =. ©. 66. ...2 2... 41 Cleveland (iis ©. S C0. 43 Cleveland Tankers, ine: .-.. 2 2 45 Cleveiand & EButlalo Transit Ce... 46 Clow. © Nieu@ieon trans. CO... AT Conl Carnet Corp, 11d. 2... on 2s. a ee. 48 Ooienia| Steamsiips, bid... 3. 6 189 Colnipw Teansportation Co... ee 49 Consolidated Sb. CO. 220 ee ee 217 231 Name Fleet No. Continental steamship Go. 2.6... as tk ee 219 Copper Stesnisiip CO. 6 a 26 Crystal Beach Transit CO: 22.4 a i 54 Dalhousie Nav. Co, Ltd. 23 eek co i ee ee £52 Davie Transportation Co., Lid. -.. ... 2... 2. ve. oes oe ee 56 Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. ......4..-.. 2.7323, ao ae Detroit & Cleveland Steamship Co. ....0i4.. -... eee 58 Detroit & Georgian Bay Transit Co.......2...-.....5. 7 4 Diamond Steamsnip Co. Idd. 2.2)... 98 Dolomite: Marine GCorp.:...-.. 1.25... se 60 Dolores Steamship 0. ..6....... 52.6. 44 Dominion Farnkers, lid, 2.30... 2:...2. oe 61 Domimion Transportation Co., bid. ».. 2.11550... 62 Dulith Steamship: Co:-... 217 ERasterhn 5. 5. 00, 62 65. 6 a es 95 Ecorse Transit ©o. 2.3.3. 235 5 oe 153 Eerie icles Perry 06... 2.2. ee. 70 trie & St. Lawrence Corp... .. a. se Te Federal Wotorshin Corp, 2... ee ee 74 Fontana Steamship Ce. ...2.0. 4 0 44 Foote 'Transit Oo., Lad. 2.03. vie i eg 78 Pravin Steamship C0. .. 6... 2. ee a 95 Gartiand Steamship Co: 4. .2 26.6 es ee 80 Geormian Bay Tourist Co,, Lid. .........-...4..... ee 81 Globe Steamship CO. - 2... es ee ee = 217 Great Lakes Steamship Co., Ine. ... 2... 42, ces we 485 Great Lakes Transit Corporation ee E88 Great Lakes Transport: Corp, .. ... 2s oo 6 ei ce. 90 Gult.& Lake Navieation Co., Lid. .... 2. ie... 92 Hal Corporation of Canada, ltd: 2.03.2. eo ee ee. 94 Honey Harvnour Nav Co. Utd. .... 23.02.50 99 tluron 'Transportation Co. ..... <2... 2s... 101