TABLE IV--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE HURON AND ST. MARYS RIVER 36. 35 34 33. 32 -31 30 29 = 28 27 26 «25 Other tables to which 2423 2o | ot 20° 18 IR ay Geb 14 18 1 4s 41 Ib Gg Rk OU ge Ga initial point Nos. 1-3 : are common: © + II--Lake Superior. - is : ze 8 5 . g 2 es IlJ--Lake Michigan. = a S by z 28 ay os a 3 3 is = ga V--Lake Erie, St. a 2 2 le 2 f 2 2s Bis & s 8 g a) 2 S| 8 2 Z ao a 5 Clair, Detroit and Ss £16 @ Sie € 2 2 e 2cie eee ¢ se == 2 2 fe es 5 o 1,8 ¢ 23 Niagara Rivers. § 8 2s £ 212 =@ wise 2 ee e122 bs bee eee ee eee ee VI--Lake Ontario & 2 = 812 SBS 2 se 8 8 Sos 2 es Se 2 8 3 Ss 28 ao 6 ee 2 Bl % 3 g= 8/3 5 St. Lawrence River. ea 2 Ol @ HM & tM mm gm AF Atk Oo SS (Oo F&F 2s cof | me A ete 2@ a2 ee Se PS Se a Se Ss 1 |aPort Huron (V-VI).....- *237 5237 s249 | 224 212 223) 231 228 246) 242 266 265 | 264 257 240 | 287 227 120| 93 64 32] 62 174 161 | 118 116 155 | 165 193 232 | 242 246 223 | 269 247 2 \bOld Mackinac Pt. (III)..| 69 *101 *116 | *143 *167 *196 | *205 *211 235 / 231 256 255 | 254 247 230 | 227 217 189 | 192 211 215 | 186 223 210 | 163 142 115 | 83 54 18 1 26.45.90 3 leSault Ste. Marie (II)....| $48 488 £106 | 4131 $155 £184 | £193 4201 {242 |4238 268 267 | 266 259 242 | 239 229 207 | 213 234 238 | 208 246 232 | 185 165 187 | 107 84 84] 84 90 45|...... 47 Detour:.. 3-325 -s:- $24 §58 §76 |§101 §125 §154 |§163 8171 201 | 198 224 222 | 221 214 197 | 194 185 162 | 168 189 193 | 164 201 187 | 140 120 92| 61 40 39| 39 44...|... ... 5 | St. Ignace.......------- §68 *100 *115 | *142 *166 *195 | *204 *209 234 /| 231 256 254 | 252 246 229 | 227 217 191 | 194 214 216 | 187 224 210 | 163 148 115 | 83 55 20 6. 6 | Mackinac Island......-. S63 *95 *110 | 137 *161 *190 | *199 *204. 229 226 251 249 | 248 241 294 | 221 212° 186 | 189 209 212 | 184 990 207 | 159 140 111 |. 7) 60 174. > 7 | Cheboygan. ..2..-.. =. S63 *92 *106 | *133 *157 *186 | *195 4197 221 | 217 242 241 | 240 233 216 | 213-204 175 1178-198 2021 173 210 196 | 149.199 101 | Go 40 2 1 2. = St Ropers. =.) 66. ee cs 8 #63 sf4 s8i |s114 8138 167 | 168 164-187. 183-208 206 | 206-190 182 | 177 169° 139 | 142 161 163 | 184.171 #57.| 116 90:61] 31 2 wg OG Rockport... 4... -...2- *79 si s92 (sl19 123 136) 143 143 16674162187 186-185 178 161) 158148 112 | 113 132 134.) 206 142 129 | 89-69 9311-2 Alpeaa. 3 ck: *107 5107 si20 }sl48. 131 145) 151 152 1/4) 171 195 198 |°192 185 168.4 165 156 100 | 107 124 125-1 ..97- 120 116 | 69 40. | =. Hl Au Sable.2-..-..2----s- *135 5135 sl48°| 158+ 146 160) 163. 166 18312180 204 202.1201 189-177 |-J74 165. 98 |. 85. 93° 86 | 58.83 60 1 ol 2 12 | Bast Tawas..-:..---.- =: #155 sido sl68:| 175. 163 176) 180 182 199 | 196: 220 218 | 217 210-194 | 190 I8l 110'| 94° 95 88 | 60 G68 54 134) Bay City..:-....-. #302 3202 s2lo | 222 210. 223-1 228 220 2454 243 267 265.1 264 257 240.) 237.228 153.) 136 137 130 1.102093 2 | 14 Sacvinaw..20...----3 *916 8216 Sli8 | 285 223° 287 | 242 242. 258 | 256 280.278 | 278 O71 254 | 250 241 167 | 149 151 1441115 2 = 15 | Harbor Beach........--- #178: si78 slOl| 17h 159. 171 7G 176 194 | 190 214 2132) 912 205-188 |. 185 175. 79 56 470 325 8 2 1G) Port Sanilac: ......-..-: #907 s207) s219 1-197 185. 196 2017 201 219 | 215 239 238 | 237 230-213; 210 200 97 | 70. 4%...0 |= = 17| Goderich: .......---:--- sl98 s198- 204 |. 169 159" 172); 172. 174 192) 189 213 211) 210 207 187 | 1838 174 64.) 36.2.2) 1 Clr 18 Kincardine........----- si7a si74° 174) (Al 128 142) 119. 144 162) 158 182 181 | 180 176,156 |. 153: 144. 30 | ee ee 19 | Southampton..........- $166. 5166 155.) 122 110 123 | 130 125 143 140 163 162.) 161 157 187 (184.105. lc OO id Wiarton. ...-....:-..:- sIS8- 158° 142) 110 94 88-79 S81 4) 07176 74) 73 53.3090. ee 91 |\dOwen Sound.......----: gi07 167. 152 .1:-1190° 103. 290) 97) 892. 19. 75 7h 70 09 46 29 er 02 \dMeaiord........-----:- s200 169 152 | 121 105 96) 96. 86 7% 68 55 53.) 52 14 *Vj 23 |dCollingwood......-.-+-- s217 186 171|.138 120 108| 107 97 80| 76 57 55| 54... :.. Via False Detour and North Channels. 24 |dPenetanguishene........ o294 187 172 | 139 120 106] 104 94 -72| 70 12 101... 2 sVia Mississagi Strait and North Channel. oe ae i as se {Via Hay Lake, St. Joseph, and North Channels. Py dMidland.. .2.-.-.=---.- 82252188 ia | 140 121 107 105 = 95 133 270 7 2 217; ce Poivicei ister sor 400 17a | 4 199 08 16 eo) 7h pe Ope eee ee 27 |\dDepot Harbor.......--- 193.155), 140-2 107 87. 73 1 71 62 Ol ee ee ee, EXPLANATION. dParry Sound..... SP ae 107-150" 143 ANd 0k i io 00 dBying Inlet.......--.--- 155° 118 102 1000) 3h Of |e Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table I. dey Harbor... -. 7... -- 148 110 94 G2: Ad 22 ee ee Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding from St. Marys River southward along the west shore, and returning northward up the east akrench River:. 2... 139 101 86 Da Bop eee shore around Georgian Bay, and westward through North Channel. pkilarney 4 110: 72) 256 A a eh For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances from all Little Current ..¢.. <=. 86° 48 238 places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, which also app:ar in the other tables respectively indicated by numeral designation. The through dis- ore Bey OL ee a ee tance from a given point in this table to a given point in any other table is the sum Algoma Mills..........- AS ee ee eee ee of the respective distances to each given point from the initial point which is common PyessAIOH. a ee ee to the two tables. a From Fort Gratiot range. ' b From sailing course point north of light. _ ec From abreast east end of U. S. center pier, and (except those marked tf) via Middle 241 Neebish and Detour; distances downbound through West Neebish are 1 mile less. d Distances to Georgian Bay ports (except those marked *, ¢, t, §) are via the bay entrance _ from Lake Huron and St. Marys River points and via Little Current from North Channel points. or,