'TABLE V--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE ERIE AND ST. CLAIR, DETROIT, AND NIAGARA RIVERS ST 36. 36 13433 324 81 ep 29-1 28" OF* 26 ae OF 98 0 9 8 8. Ie 16 8) 14 a a 1 765 4-99 Other tables to which initial points Nos. 1-3 = are common: ' + 4 % Hope a iS q 2 P 5 : 2 g . 8 I1I--Lake Michigan. 2 5 3 3S > z= 5 2 a Bs 5 IV--Lake Huron and fo 46s 3 = 4 a s+4 2 8 = ie 8 ee ae St. Marys River. Ds ea EY a. & 2 pe 2 1 6 8 dq = ¢ 3 7.0 | So 8 n 23 |B 8 3 eee 2 Se oO Vi-lake Ontaio &€ | 2 2.2/4 £5) 8 8 S18 2 BUS be 8 se Se Se 2 eee te Bee eee St. Lawrence River. Mee oe ee Se ee ARO = Be Sj ar we ae tlie SA Aare feo ei se ee Be 1 aQld Mackinac Point (IIi).| 360 416 461 | 476 528 540 | 590 582 571 | 541 502 474 | 461 436 418 | 398 393 389 | 382 365 371 | 365 349 335 | 328 326 321 | 311 323 296 | 287 274 266 | 259 247 554 2. Port Colborne (VI) ..... 201 146 109 | 89 52 18) 41 33 22) 25 65 92 | 104 130 160 | 180 190 198 | 204 204 213 | 237 227 219 | 226 229 234 | 244 292 278 | 267 281 288 | 296307 ... 3 bPort Huron (II-IV)...... 113 169 214 | 229 281 293 | 343 335 324 | 294 255 227 | 214 189 171 | 151 146 142 | 135 118 124 | 118 102 88 | 81 79 74] 64 76 49| 40 27 19) 12... =. 4S Can 401 158 203 | 218 270 282 | 332 324 313 | 283 243: 216-| 203 178 160 | 140 135 131 | 124.107 113 | 107 91.77 | 70 68 63 | 52 64 37 | 29°15 87... 37 Marie City... 02)... 93 150 195 | 210 262 274 | 324 316 305 | 275 236 209 | 195 171 152:| 182 127/128 | 146 99 105; 99 83 69 | 63 60 55 | 45 57 390); 21 7 . |... Le 6! Alvonac: 2 25. 86 143 188 | 203 255 267 | 317 309 298 | 268 228 201 | 188 163 145 | 125 120 116 | 109 92 98) 92 76 62| 55 53 48/ 37 49 22) 14... ...] 2... 22. 22. 7 cst. Claw Mats... 72 129 174 | 189 241 253; 3083 205 284 | 254 215 187 | 174.149 131 |111 106 102) 95, 78 84 | 78 62 48 | 41 39.34) 23 3b'I) 8 | i SME Clemens 83 140 185: | 200 252 264 | 314 306 295 | 265 226 199 | 185 161 142 | 122 117-113 | 106. 89. 95 | 80 73 59 | 53 50 45) 35 49...) 2 2 a, o Cintam. 2: 97 154 109 | 214 265 278 | 328 320 309 | 279 239 212 | 198 174 156 | 136 180 127 | 120 102 108) 102 87. 73) 66 638 59) 43... 10| Detroit (Woodward Ave.) .| 49. 406 151 |-166° 217 230 | 280 272.261 | 287 191 164.| 150 126 108 | "88 82 79 72.54 60). 64 39 25 18. 15. EE... ea 2, ii | Wyandotte. =... 39 96 141 | 156 208 220 | 270.262 251 | 221 182 154 | 141111 98| 78 73 69 | 62 45 51| 45 29 15 Shee ee 19 Trenton... 2 34 91 186 | 151 203 215 | 265 257 246: | 2I6°177 149 |-136 111 93°) 73 -68. 64 | 57-40: 40 | 40 24° 107) 13 2 a ee ee 13 Amherstburg......:.-..-- 3t. 88 133 | 148 200-212 | 262 254 243 | 213°473 146 | 133 108 90 | 70 64 61° 54. 36 42) 86 21 7)... ... | 4. ee ee | 14. Detroit River Light....... 24. 81 126 | 141 193 205-4 255 247: 236 | 206 166 139 | 126 -10t 83 | 63° 58 54 | 47 00 86) 30 14. |. Nr 15 Monroe (Piers).....----- 38: 89 134.) 149 200 213 | 263 265 244) 214.174 147 | 133-109 $0 | 68 GO. Be 48 30 85) 21... 2 eh ae 46 Toledo (River Mouth).<..1 45 98-143 159.210 2731-272 265 254 | 294: 185 157 |-144-110° 06) 72 GO 69) 58 35°40 oo 4 eT 17) Port Clinton... or: 20.420 | 430 187 190 4 240 241.930) 200 160-181 | 118: 92 67 1 48 36 90 2 ee ee 15) Popi-Bay oe 66 111 | t27 Tit 290 | 248. 252 228 |. 190 150 122 | 00 $8. 61.) 8 82 87 | 2b 19 Sandusky (Wharves)..... 41 69 114 | 130 178 190 | 239 232 221 | 189 149 120 | 107 79 551 29 21 14 B60) Miron 2 47. 68 411 | 194.172 184 | 233 926 915 |188 149 118 1-69 772. 47-1 90 44 91] Vermin | 46 62 104 :|.117 163 175. |.295 217 206 | 174 133 1041 90 63 37.|; 140° EXPLANATION. 99 Lorin 6 48 57 97 | 109 154 166.| 215 208 107 |-164 1294-95) 80 53 98 1 : : : : : 23.| Cleveland (M. Entrance) .| 65 53 85 | 93 184 146 | 194 187 176 | 1438 102 3/| 59 33...|...... ... Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table oh] Weer 83 48 62 | 66.104 116 | 165 167 146) 114 78 441-30 - | Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding is southward in St. Clair River and Lake and Detroit River, eastward along the 95 | Ashtabula... 4. .- 2 10863 561-47 79 90) 338 190110 | 86 45 15 | south shore of Lake Erie to Niagara River, and returning westward along the 26 Conneaut. 2.2 125 74-59 | 48 48 80 Pee 116 1d? | 74 ae north lake shore. __ : . 5 : Or tite 160-08 0 | Bs Ao 08 BS 8 For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances : from all places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, 23) Dunkwk = 6. oe. (38404 0S) 78 be 815s 48 S77 = which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated by numeral 01 Rallies ots 68 198 | 106 72 38 20 18 designation. The through distance from a given point in this table to a given 30 Tonawanda. 2.5 930 174 187 | 117 83 49 Be point in any other table is the sum of the respective distances to each given : point from the initial point which is common to the two tables. Thus, Old 4] Nigga Palle, O37 182 145 | 125. 00 Bi) . Mackinac Point being the common point for determining distances from Lake 30 | Port Maitiand.......>..- AS): 132 964 Ja ae a Erie points to points in Lake Michigan (table III), a through distance would 33 (Port Dover. ¢ 5.62 5 ap 8860 ee be derived as follows: a I a ee Old Mackinac Point to Tonawanda .. ... 562 ie Beles Se ew Old Mackinac Point to Sheboygan . eo ae ho Fe ee es oo | Ronde Tonawanda to Sheboygan ..... . 19 a7) Mangsvilie =. a! 0. a ele ne a From sailing course point north or light. v trom Kort Gratiot range. c From south end of canal dikes. ae 243 -- oi