TABLE -VI_-SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE ONTARIO AND ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 37. 3030 34° 33 32 oi 30. 29 |. 28 21s 26 125. 24 23 | 22 21 20119 18 17). 16 15 (14 | ee tt te 8 8 Ge Other tables to which oe initial points Nos. 1-3 : a = . are common: a ae RB zv ' mB Lp ied 3 5 a 5 oo Z 5 3 a a 2 x 3 I--Lake Michigan. aS) a 2 bo 4 © e ! 3 S |e 8 IV--Lake Huron and a © 8 2a = a Ee = a 2 5 a S) ¢ 2 © eS g\z si ° 2.2) 3 . = 3 St. Marys River. 2 2 2s 8 ge oS a ce epee & g S262 8 £1 22] 4-8 Ee pie +e € Se) ae V--Lake Erie, St. 2 2 2 em 8 6) $s 62. f ££ oies & 41 6 § 5 a8 2 Baie 2 84 52 ei ee 2 ae Clair, Detroit and S 8 £6 le 6 68S sas 2 fet Ss & SS ft. Se 2s) 6B Ss els Ge Seif fee) es fe) ee Niagara Rivers. SA w1|Hh OC) RHR" moO /oOm ai SCHORR Al mM eH O;e Be ele Az Oo 0 | 0 @ |) Oo es 1| aOld Mackinac Point aD 922 913 883 | 855 851 840 | 835 819 810 | 803 791 770 | 764 760 764 | 745 732 719 | 702 692 657 | 652 611 610 | 581 602 596 | 613 673 703 | 715 725 749 | 744 554 2| bPort Huron (IV).. 675 666 686 | 608 604 594 | 588 572 563 | 556 544 523 | 517 513 517 | 498 485 472 | 455 445 410 | 405 364 363 | 334 355 349 | 366 426 456 | 468 478 502 | 497 307 3| Port Colborne (II-V)....| 368 359 329 | 301 297 286 | 281 265 256 | 249 237 216 | 210 206 210 | 191 177 165 | 148 138 103 | 98 57 56| 27 48 42} 59 119 149 | 161 171 194 | 190... 41 Cape Vincent......:.... 179 170 $40 111 107 97 S91 (5 66 60 47% 27) 20 16 21) 24 45 601 G7 77 101) 107 160 186.) 163 159 153 | 134 88.68. 58 4626 ,-7. | 5| Sacketts Harbor......... 204° 195 165 137 132 122 116 101 91) 85 73-52 | 45 41 464) 37. 57 62:|. 79 89.106 | 411 165 190°| 168 163 [57 | 188 86 65-53 41 =. 6 Oswego... 227 218 188 | 160. 156. 145.) 140 124 115 | 108 96 75 | 69 65 69 | 55 67 72,1 89 82 91 - 96 145 167-| 144 140 1388 | 118 59 89.) 18 2 | 7| Little Sodus Bay........ 237 228 198 | 169 165. 155 |-149 133 124 | 118 105. 85 | 78 74 79 | 64 74 79 | GO 80 85.| 91.1436 158 |.184 131 125 | 105 48 181.73. ... 2) 4 Si Sodus Bay... 52]: 246. Jal 207 | 179 4375 1651 459 143 194 | 127-115 -94 | 88 <84 89.1 72 79 841 85.74 77 | S82 124 145 1.122 118 112 |} 92 35 = i 9} Charlotte...... So 266 25% 227 | 199 195 184 | 179 163. 154 | 147 135 114 | 108 104 108 | 89 94 92 | 75 65 57 | 61 95 116 |. 92 86. 881 68... 2.) >). . = 4p a0l Oleott) 302. 293 263 | 234 230 220 | 214 198 189 | 183 170 150 | 143 139 144 | 132 116 111 | 94 83°61 | 47 38 56) 32.28 22 .°. .2. 22 kee Hl) Niagara-on-the-Lake.:...| 332° 823 293 | 264. 260 250 | 244 228 219 | 218 200 180 | 173 169 174 | 154.142 128 | 119 101: 67.| -63.30. 39 | 15 6. |...2.. 27. = 12) Lewiston. -. 7 337. 328 299 | 270 266. 256 | 250 234 225 | 218 206 1857).179 175 180 | 160 148 134 | 118 107. 73 | 69.36 457 21 ...-..) 20 2) 2. ee 13} Port Dalhousie.......... 341 332 302 | 274 270. 260 | 254 238 229 | 222 210 189 |-183- 179 183 | 164 151 1388 | 121 111-76) 71 30-2910. if) Hamilton... 364 355" 325°) 207 203. 282 | 276. 261° 252 | 245 238 212 1.206 201 206.| 187-172 159 | 142 132 94) S88 *8l 0 15| Toronto (Hast Mntrance).| 388 329° 300 | 271 267 257 | 261-235 226 |-219 207 186 | 180 176°181 | 161 142120 |. 113°102 65 | 59.2212... 16), Port Hope «2. = 2, 285 216 240. 218 Dit 203.) 197 182 173.) 166 164 183-1 127 122 127 |: 107 86 74 | 8 AT 7 ee a7). Cobourg) 219 270 4301} 212 208 307 192 17a 86s | 1G0 148 127 4 121 147 P2I 102. 80. GL 80 40 $0) Trenton. 5 es. opt 742 242) 186 179 169 | 163.148 338 | 182 110100 | 04. 90 8S 70 40. 27 te | a ee 19). Bellville... 2 241. 232 202 | 176 169 159 | 153 188 128 | 122 109 90| 84 80 78| 60 30 17 20) Deseronte... -.. = 224 245° 185.| 159 153 142) 136 121 112-105 93 74 | 67 63 611 43 14 21 Picton 2719 210 180 | 154 [47 137 | 131 116 106 | 100° 88 69] 62°58 56 | 38 7. 3. EXPLANATION. 22) Kingston" 2 182 173 145.) 1b 110 100 |. 94 79) 69.) 63 50 31.) 25 21-19 Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in 2o| Gananoque... =... 164-155 1253) -96- 92 82.1 76 60 bI 45: 32 18 | 14 10... Table I. 24), Clayton? .¢ 4.0 2S, 163 154 124 96 91 81) 75. 60 50) 44 32 11 A Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence pro- ceeding westward along the south shore and returning eastward along 25: - Thousand istand Park, 7 | 160 tml 121 1°93. 88 781-72 S7 47-1 41°98 81225). be the north shore of the lake and down St. Lawrence River. 26| Alexandria Bay......... doe 446 JIS | -8h 8) 70) OA. 40 0 8 21 For determining distances to points located in other lakes, dis- 2i\ Brockyille;. -=)..7 1gt 422. 93. 64. 60 50. 44 28: 19 10 tances from al] places listed in this table are given to the initial points _ Nos. 1 to 3, which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated 28| Ogdensburg... 7... 2. 7p A SL a AR BR 82 AG a ee. by numeral designation. The through distance from a given point in 29) cGalop Canal............ a0 0S 74 A AL Sl Se ee er. this table to a given point in any other table is the sum of the respective 30) cRapide Plat Canal....... 103: 94 . 641.36. 32. 19 NG a re distances to each given point from the initial point which is common to -- : the two tables. Thus, Port Colborne being the common point for _ 31) cFarran Point Canal...... Be WN a0 20 6. ee a determining distances from Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River 32| cCornwall Canal......... Se 18 Ae) 18 AD points to points in Lake Superior (table IT), a through distance would gol COMWAN : (73 71. 62. 33 Go ee ee be-derived as follows: d Port Colborne to Cornwall. 2 os 297 O48) St. Regis... 0.02. 8 OS 99 828 8 de ee Port Colborne to Fort William... ... 2:2... 2). 848 35) cSoulanges Canal......... 00) OW --_----- 36| cLachine Canal.......... De Cornwall té: Fort William... 2.6.2 ee, 1145 acl Montreal... 2 UE ee ee ee a From sailing course point north of chk, D Fron Fort Gratiot range. 245 c From upper end of canal. * To Toronto West Entrance.