THE PRINGLE BARGE LINE CO. Lake Transportation 2628 BUHL BUILDING DETROIT, MICH. | GUY C. KEMP J. BRENTON KEMP | Kemp Brothers Goal Co. -- FUEL DOCK Sault Ste. Marie - - - Mich. ©. |; LANGE © CoO. -- INSURANCE -- MARINE WAR RISK Lake Hull--Yachts--Lake and Ocean Cargoes GENERAL INLAND MARINE Fire-- W indstorm--Automobile Jewelry--Furs--tTourist Baggage-- Transit Contract, Fidelity, Custom Bonds Personal Property Floater Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Insurance Rockefeller Bldg., CLEVELAND, OHIO Cable Address--EGNAL Public Liability--All Risk Coverage Phone MAin 1670 MERTES-MILLER. INC. Ship Repairs, Blacksmithing, Boiler Repairing and Electric Welding by U. S. Marine Certified Welders. Telephone: Mitchell 7570 Night : Edgewood 0792Jd -- Sheridan 6446 1561 S. Barclay St. Milwaukee, Wis. | | | oa 246