ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued BOILERS = ENGINES Vea Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type _ Size ee Corr Wisi Ne ae. Poe A 22-44x30 1 Mire hor 1}'x12' 1901 Cor ee. Triple Exp... 2... 17-2714-46x36 i Scotch 14°6"'x11'6" 1904 Cote 'Triple PAD. 6 15-25-40x33 2 Scotei =. 10'S xh)' 1928 Coo (Can) 8 Triple EXD... 65. 17-28-46x33 Z SCO = =. 121' 1927 Cavan (an) (uad. Exo... 4. 171%%-25-36-52x30 1 SCOUCh =. 4 ee: 1167 x12' 1906 Cement Karrier (Can) 4 2 Diesel Electric........ 1930 Eo ee ee Triple hop... 2. 22-35-58x42 Z ScOLen 2 13 x1 6 1903 ieee, POW. Onuad: (xp. 3. 19-27 14-40-58x42 3 Sec. 176 5110" 1909 Chemon® (an) Tipe HR ca 16-27-44x33 2 SCOUT. = 1924 Ceyenne (an. dTiiple Hep... =... 15-25-40x33 2 Seon 10'x10'9" 1929 Cie Stoie Cond, 2.2... .; 1014-20x14 1 SCOLCH. ee. 11'x10' 1896 rieapo Tribune fen)... Diese) ee 1930 et .. e e Prive Pap, a 20-33-54x40 2 SCOUCH: 2020 14'6"x1)' 1918 fieora (an). 2 Oscl Cond 2. 2. 52x48 2 SCOICR, 2 1021) 1890 ee at ee beam Cond... 45x120 2 Scotch. 5 14'x9' ite Wawa a, 2 spe Hep. a. 21-33-52x40 6 SCOtC. 45. 25. 136" x12! 1911 Ose Vriple Exp. 6. 20-33-54x40 Zz Scotia 55 =. 132 Xx iT" 1920 Rie Or erovenn ee SAME 2 14-22 14-38x32 2 Scores... = 136 x7' 1910 hy ef VlevelanG ee Inclined Comp. <2... pee. 8 Seotcn 13°93 3116" 1907 ey oe Dero od Inclined Comp... 62-92-92x102 6 Scot: 1911 by 0} Dresden. (Can. j.c:. 6... 2. cee TGA 15-26x18 1 Scotch. 2. Sx 17" 1910 ee Beam ConaG.. * ... & 54-80x96 6 Seotch- = 2 12'6°x11'9"* 1898 Ry ok Pet NO S72 oo Turbine Generator...... 4 Water Tube... .... 1929 iy 0 Grand Rapids... 8 'Triple Exp. = 26-42-51-51x42 6 ScotCa 120 'x11'6" 1912 ye! Sanion (om). 'Triple Fx0..0 2.2. 18-30-50x36 2 SCOECN ee tS'OoRtT 1927 oe Oe co ee: Jeu Cond. 7 14x30 1 SCOEN a a xil' 1901 City of Kingston an) ariple Exp. 18-30-50x36 2 SCcOoLcH 2 136 x1!' 1926 City ol Midland: 4i Skinner Diesel 2... 5 Cyl.-25x30 4 Foster Wheeler... .. 1941 ity Of Viontrey (an)... Atle Pxp.. 7 18-30-50x36 a SCOLCH. 5 5 6" sil! 1927 uy Ol Mise 2 itipie Hep... 8 19-31-52x36 4 Scotei =. 1s x2 1903 City of PP ow RA. 20-38x24 1 Pre ox O67x15' 1890 City of maeay ob 2 Turbine Generator... . 1929 ey On Double HP... 2014-2014-22 1 Fire Box. 10'x14' 1926 City OOS iensce =. Beam Cond... 66x144 4 BEOteN. 12*x1)' Cv Ol 10G 2 ple Uxp. 3 26-42-66x72 5 Scotch. 10'6"'x10'6"' 1916 250-