ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES | BOILERS ve VESSEL Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke | No. | Type Size tone foun a oo Tipe Bsa 2314-38-63x42 2 Scot 43 14 3116" 1910 (fos diple (so... 22 14-38-63x42 3 SCOLCH i120" 1927 Crowle, (i Tipe rsp 22 4-3714-65x42 2 Water Tube....... 134x146" 1936 Cover Wo. Tipe EXD... 8 e. 2314-38-63x42 Z Seocch. 15°45 106" 1914 Crescent City. a. Ouag 17-2414-35-58x42 2 Water Tube... 2. -Omi2o ~ 1923 Oo ee Triple txp. 2214-36-60x42 2 SCOIGN 4... 146x116" 1907 Pron fiary Wo. ae x 20-29-42-61x42° 3 Scotth... 1276 x13 1908 Otowey 7 (ed Exp. 2014-29 14-43 14-63x42 3 ScoUh 6 - Lt'G x12776" 1891 Pron PSOne 16-32x24 2 Scotch... 6. 13x12" 1929 Cyclo Brave (Can. . a Tipe feo. 17-28-46x36 1 SCOUh 166x116" 1929 Paco Ciel (ae) Thple Pep. 2. ee. 19-33-54x42 2 ScOECh 2) aes. Ss xi" 1930 (yclo Wartier (an) ee. Triple Pep. 19-33-54x42 2 Soule 2 2 JAS x1) 1930 Cente Jriple Exp; 22-35-58x42 2 Scotch: - 4535. . 132x116" 1903 Re Dee 16-34x26 1 Scot 5. 126 x12 1907 Peouee ty Can). apie Exe. ee. _ 18-29-48x30 2 SCO. =)... 136x106" 1911 See, aiapie Hxp. 2) LC , 2414-42-65x42 o Scotch | ..2: oe 130 x1it 1916 Paice an) atipie Uxp. 2 18-30-50x36 2 SCotCh.. 4 t2'x10'0" 1921 Re Tnple xp. 15-45-40x33 Z Secten. «2 10'1"*x10'9"" 1929 Deets, Wo an.) Triple Bxp 4 16-27-44x33 Z SCOECN 20 oe 12x11! 1923 yaw, tery Ce (Can). 6 Zu. & 4. Comp... |... 16-30x20 Z BOON eS 127'6"x10'6" 1920 , Ouad Bx: 2.3. 18-27-40-62x42 3 Scotch Tio x16' 1912 oe apie Bx 2, 2414-41-65x42 5 SCOtCH ke i071' 1920 Pes Ee ee Cua Exp. | 19-27 14-40-58x42 2 COL. 14x12" 1913 Pere (Ca) itiple xp te 15-25-40x33 2 SCORCH, 3. 2. 10% 10" 1929 Denmark a Tple Exp, 22 16-36-60x42 2 Seotch 2,520. 16x 116" 1909 Ce oe AA ne 24-48x33 6 Sete 13'x11/3"-2-22' 1904 ene 8 Twes Dieses. = 1923 PaonG Aad = 29 tie Exp 3 24146-40-65x42 3 Scoteh = 13'6"x11'3" 1917 Pick A ares (on) A: Triple Pxp. 6.2. 19-32-56x36 2 SrOtn iV'7 108" 1922 Dickson, Wee topeb 24-38-65x42 2 SCOtG =. 16x14 1°9" 1910 Dikey Alves, Spe Pap | 24-39-65x42 2 SCOtgn 6. Ox 116" 1909 Dixon, Geo De (Ua Fe 19-2714-40-58x42 3 SCOUCh 116 "R116" 1910 Peete NG FT 2 Diesel (Busch) >... 2-1414x144 1933 momite NS Sect) 1214x13 1 Scotch. 32.2 1937 252