ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued ENGINES BOILERS Year VESSEL : : Built Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type Size Dolomite No.3... 3... ee 2 Diesel 1214x13 1 BOOceh. 7 19S9 Dolomité No: 4.23). 3 Bese 124x138 1 Scotch = 1938 Donnacona (a2. 2.2 Trinle Bp... 2 ee. 24-39-65x42 2 SCOtC. . =. 16/x1 15" 1914 Donnelly, Chakles... 2. 2 Quad xp... 22.5.0. 19-27 14-40-5842 3 Scolel. 266 ke: 111 xd 16" 1898 Donner, W.. Tape EXD. 2314-38-63x42 2 Stig) 62 14'6"x1 1/6" 1914 Douglas, B. 2. @an) 2... Thple Esp... 16-27-44x33 2 Scotch: = iZ'eTi* 1923 Doville, RE Tandem Comp, -......... 12-24x18 2 Pitre Box. 1Ux10' 1905 Dow Cheiiital:. = = Triple Pap... ee. 23-37-63x42 2 SCOECH 6. 15116" 1912 Drumahoe (a)... = = Temple Exp. 34 bos 16-27-44x33 2 SeOkCn. 3. 12°5"x10'6" 1924 Duluth. 32. (asd Be 2034-30-43 14-63x42 3 Scorch ve 126" x1 GY 1903 Dundas (Gaa.3...5 0-7 oe Pople kp 2 16-24-44x33 2 Srotch., 12'x10'6" 1923 Dunlap, Chas 3 2 coe AOE sp. 2416-41-65x42 3 Scot 2. 130" x16" 1920 Dunn, : John, 7. 8 Onad Pxp.. 6 20-29-42-61x42 3 SCOLCH. 12'O' 1110". S07 Durston, JE. 8 oe, Triple Pxp. 0. 22-35-58x42 Z SCOUCH 2.2 ye. 13°97 116" 1908 Eads, J: (Gan) es 'Triple xp. 6 22-39-63x42 y SEOLEN 2 1 416" 1915 Eaglescliffe Hall (an.):>.. 2 5). Se Triple Bxps =... ; ee _ 15-25-40x33 2 Scotch (3. ee 100 2EU 1928 Eastern States = 3 inctined Comp:.:..... 52-72-72x84 6 Scot. 4 - 13'6"xi1'9" 1902 Easton (48) 2 Triple Exp. 17-28-46x33 2 SUG. 52 L211! 1912 Eaton, Geo 1. 3 Priple Exp... 6 ce: 15-25-40x33 2 SCO = 6 0 10'4°x10'10" 1929 Edenborm Wii, Oded Tp 1614-25-3814-60x40 2 Water Tube... .... IDS x10'3" 1927 Edgewater <=. 5 cg 'Turbine Electric....-. .. 1931 Edmonton (246.36 = Miple Tx. oe 17-28-46x33 2 SCO 7 1 1G 1906 Elba... 'Triple Exp. -...20 0-2. 22-35-58x42 2 SCOtEn 6 13O x11 6" 1907 Flpin (Cag) 8 Tiple Bxp. 16-26 14-44x33 Z meOten 12'6'x10'6"' 1923 Elmbay (Can) 3 2 26 & A 16-30x20 2 Seoteh es 12673106" 1919 Ellwood £2. Quad Exp.............. 1614-25-3814-60x40 2 Water Tube. 12x11' 1924 Eniery; oun Be ee, Nen-Cone. . 14x16 1 Fire Box. 1910 HBmperor (90... a. Tiple Bxp. a5 oe. 23-3814-63x42 2 Scotch. 15/6) 312 1910 Empire State Nelsco-Diesel-Twin Scr. 1929 Ppress (Can) cee is Beam Cond... 38x10 2 Water-Tube. 1S'x7G" 1907 Bresen. Jo AWiple Exp) 22 16-36-60x42 2 SCOUH =. 1465116" 1914 Wie ne 16x12 1 Fite Box. 6x9' 1930 Bneige . = 2... oe Pek 2 ee. O-18xt4 sb Uo Pie Bow. 6 9'x12' 1896 Preis © an) ee. We Bese) FN 1014x12 1938 Ea 8 ne 20-20x24 1 SCOLCN. = ee 26x 1913 253