TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME 3 » OWNERS 3 gs LE B D wz | Type Size No. Type Size Built 4 Oo | da > Beso, We... ee. CY a KA AI OP 22x24 1 35 7'x13' 1917 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Cleveland, O. micKay, Joon (an.)..:. Wood 34> 6841" 15/1". 6'9".-1901 Daniel McKay, Cockburn Isl., Ont. McKee, Geo. M. (Can.).Steel 221 100' 27'2" 15'6" 1928 Marine Industries, Montreal, Que. Brehcown, fas: (Can.):. Wood 36 52'5" 12/5" 5 1893 Blind River T. Co., Ltd., Blind River. PAC Wiliams: -- =... .... Wood 105 112%" 24/5" 36° 1926 McWilliams Dredging Co., Chicago, IIl. Mt. Morencey (Can.)...Wood 18 © 35'5 10'8" 4'8" 1889 W. J. Pouporie, Montreal, Que. Mable D. (Can.).. wood 38° 64 15' 6'6" 1907 R. J. Morrell, Collingwood, Ont. Macay, Robt. (Can. ys _..Wood 129 79/2" 17'6" 11'9'" 1899 1.5 12'x13'6" Harbour Commissioners of Montreal. Macsm (Can)... ... -s Steel 292 -125'2" 236" 14'9" 1918 Marine Industries, Montreal, Que. Mago, Philip... =... .. = Wood 32. 48° fo GO 19S Frank L. Mago, Tonawanda, N. Y. ae. Steel No 71 20°. 126 192) 1 Ss 10'7"x12"" 1921 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Pee Wood. 30 453" (l2'5" 34" 1930 Bruce E. Nelson, Northport, Mich. Rianiey 11. fan). . Wood isi 92 184" 384" 1886 Boone Dredging Co., Toronto, Ont. Wipe... Steel = 126... 90'6" 21 10/9" 1890 F&A 20-40x30 1 FB LV 67X16" Clarence Fix, Buffalo, N. Y. Margaret L. (Can.)..... Weod 40 603" I5'?' 62" 1918 J. A. MacAulay, Pt. Dover, Ont. Pantie (a8) eo Wood 31. 4972" 130" 438" 1901 W. J. Ponpore, Montreal, Que. Mariel (Can.).... 02.6.) Woog 49 G6 135° 76° 1683 F&A LisZ0st6 1 5'2"x9'6"" 1883 Stephen Shipman, Soo Ste. Marie, Ont. Nieto Steel G9 -* 70" 18' 7'6" 1898 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, Ill. Markham, Gen. Ed. M. . Steel 64. 68'S". 17' 11 1915.HP 22x24 1 7'x13' 1915 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Cleveland, O. Martin, Frances (Can.)}..Wood . 27 --50'3" 12'4" 5'1" 1909 Wm. Martin, Penetanguishene, Ont. Mary ee mee... 99 i - 21. > 116" 1974 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, Il. Meaty Fe Wood 13 (301 135": 46" 1920 F. H. Parsons, Vermilion, O. Bey fe ee Wood 16 354" 102" 4 1906 Caleb VerDuin, Grand Haven, Mich. Wary Louise (Can.).-. Wood 60 77'2'" 186" 4'2" 1902 J. Coon, Morton, Ont. Marviaid 22 Steel OO. 7 2070. 112" 1925 NC 25x28. 1 -S 7'x12'3"" 1925 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Wiasonic (Can)... +... Wood 49 56:4" 106°: 39" 1803 Wm. G. Gidley, Hamilton, Ont. Massachusetts... .. Steel Ot 74a 20" 126 1928 HP 26x28 1.5 7'x12'3" 1928 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Mather (Can)... ...... Steel 145. 87'S" 19' 105". 1905 Keewatin Lumber Co., Ltd., Keewatin. Mathieu, Tommy (Can.) Wood 20 54' 114° US 1 Shevlin-Clark Co., Ltd., Ft. Francis, Ont. Mathiida (Can) -...... weod 114°. 72)... 201" 104" 12990 F&A 18-36x24 1-S 11x16" Sin-Mac Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Mattich, Walter F.......Steel OO. 613" 171" gi 1929 W. F. Mattich, Buffalo, NEY, Maver, Oscar FF... =... Steel Bo 682" 162" 89" 1909 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, Il. Mroignim, HA... Wood 68. 71° 20' S 1899 F&A J4xz30x20 1 FB 86" x12" Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, Ill. Maecrereau, W.L.. - ux. ieee OR FY 116" 1910 AP 20X26 1. 9'6""x12' 1910 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. : meeyer or, FJ Wood 21 a2'5" 102" 36" 1905 John B. Masse, Jr., Cand Marais, Mich. 306