TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME 8 % i a gs L BD us | Type Size | No. Type _ Size Built 6 | oe >a New York... 2.2 c.. Steel 45 62 16' 76" 1911 HP Ixi4 1 S$ 7'6'x19' 1911 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago, Ill. igo Wood 35 90' = 153". 7" 1911 State of N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y. Mipigon: (Gan.),........ Steel 206 .90' 25/5" 9'1'" 1938 Abitibi P. & P. Co., Iroquois Falls, Ont. Molan; Patty... 8. Siecl «22 Ave 12 7' +1931 Diesel Merritt, Chapman & Whitney, New York. North Harbor... ......, Steels 73 GOS" 17 IF 1912 FeaA 14x28x24 1 7'x12' 1912 Wells Construction Co., Cleveland, O. Northern (Can.).©... 2-. Steel 396... 145/38" 25". 16' .. 1911 Triple 14-23-38x27 Harrison & Sons, Owen Sound, Ont. Mover, GH. (Can.):...Wood 388 - 5177" 14 -5'5"" 1912 Gatineau Co., Montreal, Que. ycounor FV Steel 43-60 17' 6/3" 1900 Frank E. Fix, Buffalo, N. Y: Ocean Hawk, (Can.)....Wood» 192 99'3" 24' OO" 1913. bk & A 20x90330 1 5 146"xIZ26" IZ st Joho DD. & 5. B. Co. dt. John, S. B. ts Steel 98-71 7 20' 116' 1910 HP 24x28 1 FB 9'6"x10' 1910 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. poanomia Steel OF 7 2012 1981S FSA 18-36x30 1 S_ 10/7"x12'6' 1913 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Srcemeid, WS (an)... Wood .15- 42'. 124" 5 . 1898 Geo. Gorrell, Moulton, Ont. Soward (Can). .-....-. Wood. 22. 5/ iz' 6' 1902 John McGaw, Kincardine, Ont. ron Steel Of 94' 19' 6/4" 1920 F&A 18-30x00 15S 10'7"x12' 1921 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Origa (an). Wood. 68 ° 79 15/ Qg' 1903 Chas. Ross, Dunville, Ont. sete Wood 30 582" 1674 5/7" 1921 Sxio. tS 6'x8' 1921 John Hallander, Harbor Beach, Mich. Mutramie... =... ereel 428 1415" 27'7" 148° 1020 Triple 17-25-43x30 2.5 12'x11'6"" 1920 Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. tareaae (Can.)........ Wooe- 76-44 43°77" 5' =< 1910 Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. a Steel 18 Aye © 13" 5/8" > 1916 Nicholson & Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Penalang (Can.) 2.2... Wood 100 82" 165" .98" 190). HP 14-26x18 1 FB 7'6"x12'6" = 1908 C. S. Lines, Montreal, Que. Pennsvivana. 62: Steel 99°. 71). 2 176 191) Ae 20x20. 1 12'3"x12'4"" 1911 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Peter GB. (Gan)... Wood 5l. 56°. 147% 86" 1910 F&A 11-20x16 1 Sorel Harbour Tugs, Sorel, Que. Euaceipaa Steel AS 62'. 16. 76" 191 Pp 12x14. 1.58 76°x9' 1911- Ina Schimpf, Buffalo. N. ¥. peerre Racine (Can.)....Wood 142. 73' -- 23° = 10'5- 1918 F&A 18-36524 1S. 10675136" Sin-Mac Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Pte re, Steel AS 62' 16" 16° 191) BP 12x14 105 7'6"'x9' 1911 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago, Il. PMR Tk Wood. 52. 76'O" 18. 10%" 1923 HP 18x22 1 FB 6'8'x13'4" 1911 McMullen & P. Con. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Piss, Wm. Fe. Wood 29 52'6" 14' Bi4/* 19002 A. G. Scheidenhelm, Erie, Pa. -- 7°. Point Hope (Can:)...... Stecl 59: 62'7'" 11/3" 82" 1910 Hillside S. G. Co., Vancouver, B.:€. Potter, Geo. Ro. y.., Steel. 133°" 776" 203" . 8/8" 1887 Bernard N. Mago, Tonawanda, N- Y. featt, John (Can.).. 22. Steel 166. 805" 22117 114" 1911 LoS Yo 5136" Sin-Mac Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. peecoiom Steel 1i2' = 27. 1a" 1930 1930 Can. P.C. & P. T. Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. 308