A FEW HISTORICAL FACTS AND THE CANALS--Continued -- Galops Canal Length 7 1/3 miles; 3 locks; total lift, 1514 feet. This lock is 800 feet long and 50 feet wide. This canal overcomes the rapids at Point Iroquois, Point Cardinal and the Galops. CHICAGO TO THE MISSISSIPPI Via the Illinois Canal and the Illinois River Distance from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river is 327 miles, as follows: 7 miles in the Chicago river, 30 miles to Lockport in the Chicago Sanitary Canal and then through the Illinois canal, and 290 miles in the Illinois river to Grafton. The Illinois canal commences in the South Branch of the Chi- cago river. There are 5 lift locks 600'x110'x12'3" and 2 locks 300 feet long, 73 feet wide and 9 feet deep. The canal is 160 to 200 feet wide at the water surface. The deepest draft that can now be carried through is 9 feet. The longest boat that can now be accommodated in this canal is 290 feet. GREEN BAY TO THE MISSISSIPPI Via the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers Distance from Green Bay to the Mississippi, 281 miles. From Green Bay to Portage, on the Wisconsin river, 163 miles. A draft of about 6 feet can be carried. From there to the Mississippi the navigation of the Wisconsin river is very difficult and the available channel is less than 3 feet. But the navigation from Green Bay to Menasha, Oskosh and to Portage City is good. The total lift is about 200 feet, overcome by 26 locks, suitable for boats 140 feet long, 34 feet beam and over 6 feet draft. THE OSWEGO CANAL This canal is 24 miles long from Oswego to Three Rivers and has a capacity for boats 300 feet long, 40 feet beam and 9 feet draft. Connects Oswego with Syracuse and leads into the main line of the Pe ae for Troy and New York City. It has a lift of 119 feet and ocks. MURRAY CANAL, ONT. Connects the Bay of Quinte with Presque Isle Bay. Length 612 miles. No locks. It is 80 feet wide at bottom, 120 feet at water sur- face, and 11 feet deep at low stage of water. Tolls are collected. RIDEAU CANAL, ONT. Connects the Ottawa river at the city of Ottawa with the eastern end of Lake Ontario at Kingston. Length of navigation waters, 126 miles. Number of locks going from Ottawa to Kingston, 35 ascending, 14 descending, making a total of 49 locks. Going from Ottawa, the lift is 282 feet, then a drop of 164 feet. Length of locks 134 feet, width 33 feet, depth 5 feet. The depth of the canal is 4% feet. THE OHIO STATE CANAL The Ohio canal, which connects with the Cuyahoga river 4% miles above the lake, no longer affords an outlet to the Ohio river. It is navigable, however, for boats 90 feet long by 14 feet wide, draw- ing 4 feet or less, to Newcastle, Ohio, 97 miles from Cleveland. Originally this canal connected Lake Erie with the Ohio river, with Cleveland at one end and Portsmouth at the other end. The length was 309 miles. There were 144 locks, each with a length of 90 feet and a width of 14 feet and a depth of 4 feet. This canal is now filled in at various sections. ABOUT CANALS Vessels of not over 8 feet draft, when coming up the Niagara river to Buffalo can overcome the rapids at Buffalo by taking the ship lock at Black Rock. This leads into Black Rock harbor and thence to Buffalo harbor. This lock is 200 feet long and 36 feet wide. Work is now in progress to enlarge and improve the Erie canal so that it will have a capacity for barges of 1,500 tons, with a draft of 12 feet. The estimated cost of the improvement is $101,000,000. Vessels using this canal will have no spars or high upper works, as the bridges will remain fixed. 330