GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Wabash-- Spencer-Kellogg-- Sherwin- Williams--. Marine elevating leg 1. Capacity per hour 7,500 bu. Maximum length of vessel that can load 450 feet, 54 feet beam. Depth of water at dock, Chicago River Draft, 21 feet. R. R. Conn.: Chicago River; Indiana R. R.; Santa Fe. Supt.--W. J. Whiting. Res. Phone Ken. 4016. Phone Lafayette 6633. Norris Grain Co., Board of Trade Bldg. Manager--D. H. Lipsey. Wab. 4934. South Fork of South Branch, 33d and Benson. Marine loading spouts 10. Capacity per hour 50,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,500,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 17 feet 6 inches, channel 20 feet. Can handle 450 foot boat, 56 foot beam. R. R. Conn.: All lines. Supt.--Henry P. W. Keir. Res. Phone Vin. 0442. Phone Hay 1181. 22d St. W. Side River, South Branch. Spencer Kellogg & Sons, Inc., Buffalo, N. Y. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour flax 5,000 bu. Storage capacity 900,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 15 feet, in channel 20 feet. Maximum length of vessel 360 feet. Number of marine loading spouts 1. Capacity per hour of loading spouts 10,000 bu. Manager--Fred E. Evans. Supt.--H. E. Fralick. CLEVELAND, OHIO Phone Main 4200. Office 101 Prospect Ave. Above Central Viaduct at West 3d and river. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour 5,000 bu. Montana Flour Mills Co.-- Collingwood Terminal-- Storage capacity 400,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 1514 to 19 feet. Maximum length of boat 425 feet. Supt.--A. Spanur, Jr. Res. Phone Lakewood 2386-J. Phone Main 1733. Located under Superior High Level Bridge, 1635 Merwin Ave. O. L. Spencer, Manager. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour 4,000 bu. Storage capacity 650,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. Depth of water in channel 21 feet. Maximum length of boat can be handled 435 feet, beam 52 feet. Unloading charge per 1,000 bu. $5.00. R. R. Conn.: Big 4. Supt.--M. B. Burkey. Res. Phone Boulevard 5427-W. COLLINGWOOD, ONT. Collingwood Elevator-- E. R. Bacon & Co., 209 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour unloading 8,000 bu. Storage capacity 160,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle 600 foot boat, 65 foot beam. R. R. Conn.: C. N, Ry: Megr.--E. R. Bacon, Jr. Supt.--J. J. Quilty. Phone 300. Waterfront: East Side. Collingwood Terminals, Ltd., Norman D. Broadway, Mer. Res. Phone 494. Number of marine elevating legs 1. ees per hour unloading 30,000 bu. Dipping, average 14,000 u. 346