GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Capacity per hour 45,000 bu. Storage capacity 3,500,000 bu. Marine unloading legs 1. Capacity per hour 17,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. 'Can handle any size boat. RH. Conn.: C. P. R. and C. N. R: Supt.--J. McDonald. Res. Phone South 2391. Richardson-- Lakefront, Port Arthur, Ont. Eastern Terminal Elevator Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. R. D. Morgan, Mgr. Marine loading spouts 1. be Capacity per hour of spouts 60,000 bu. Storage capacity 7,000,000 bu. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour elevating legs 15,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Can handle any size boat. mh, Conn: C. PP: Raand C. N. R. Supt.--C. Cattanach. Stewart-- Lakefront, Port Arthur, Ont. Federal Grain, Ltd., Fort William, Ont. Harry Sellers, Mgr. Marine loading legs 4. Capacity per hour 12,000 bu. each. Number loading spouts 3. Storage capacity 2,250,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. _Can handle any size boat. mn. &. Gonn:: ©. P. Rvand C.N. R. Supt.--Archie Bruce. 358 Superior Elevator-- Lakefront, Port Arthur, Ont. Parish & Heimbecker, Ltd., G. N. Heimbecker, Mer., Exchange, Winnipeg, Man. Number loading spouts 2. Capacity per hour 40,000 bu. Storage capacity 900, '000 bu. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Elevation charge per bu. 1c. 'Can handle any size boat. Days of free storage 10. R, &. Conn.: C. P. R. and ©. N. EK. Supt.--F. J. McLean. Thunder Bay-- Phone North 983. Lakefront, Port Arthur, Ont. Canadian Consolidated Grain Co., Ltd, Winnipeg, Man. C. E. Hayles, Mer. Number loading spouts 6. Capacity per hour 25,000 bu. Storage capacity 1,500,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Elevation charge per bu. 1c. Can handle any size boat. Days of free storage 15. KR. R, Conn.: C. P. KR. and C. N. &. Supt.--J. A. Campbell. Res. Phone South 1773. Union-- Lake Front, Port Arthur, Ont. Union Terminal, Ltd., Winnipeg, Man. Mer., W. L. Anderson. Number of marine loading legs 2. Storage capacity 1,110,000 bu. Capacity per hour 14 000 bu. each. Number loading spouts 2. Grain