GRAIN ELEVATORS OF THE GREAT LAK ES--Continued Government Grain Elevator-- Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: C.F. BR. & C. N, Supt.--W. D. McIntosh. United Grain Growers Elevator "'A"-- Lakefront, Port Arthur, Ont. Owners, United Grain Growers Terminals, Ltd., Pt. Arthur, Ont. M. MacKay, Mer. Marine loading legs 4. Capacity per hour 20,000 bu. each, Number loading spouts 4, Storage capacity 5,500,000 bu. Depth of water at 'dock 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. BR. Conn.: CC, P. KR. and ©. NE. Supt.--M. MacKay. PORT COLBORNE, ONT. Phone 134. C. A. Bennett, Mer. Dept. of Railways & Canals, Ottawa, Ont. Storage capacity 3,000,000 bu. Marine elevating legs 4. Unloading capacity 18,000 bu. per hour each on dip. Loading spouts to boats 9. Loading spouts to cars 1. Loading capacity 75 cars in 10 hours. - Loading spouts capacity 18,000 bu. per hour each. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Days of free storage 15, with free insurance. Shoveling charge per 1, 000 bu. $4.35. Trimming charge per i: 000 bu. $2.00. Can handle any size boat. Rf Conn. 0. NR. N.S & TT H&B. Supt.--c. A. Bennett. Res. Phone 562. 359 Maple Leaf-- Canadian Pacific-- Phone 145. Entrance to Harbor. Maple Leaf Milling Co., Ltd., W. H. Cowan, Mgr., Res. Phone 480. Marine elevating legs 1. Capacity per hour unloading 17,500 bu., dipping 20,000 bu. Capacity of mill 12,000 bbls. flour per day. Marine loading spouts 2. Capacity 10,000 bu. per hour each. Storage capacity 2,250,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 21 feet, channel 30 feet. Can handle any size boat. RoR. Conn.: TH & B.: CN. RC. £8. AR: Supt.--R. A. Kinnear. Res. Phone 1030. PORT McNICOLL, ONT. Phone 24. Canadian Pacific Ry. Co., Montreal, Que. _ Marine elevating legs 3. Capacity per hour unloading 20,000 bu., dipping average 12,000 bu. each. Marine loading spouts 1. Capacity loading spouts 10,000 per hour. Storage capacity 7,000,000 bu. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can load 200 cars in 10 hours. Can handle any size boat. Free storage 15 days from April 15 to Dec. 15; 30 days from Dec. 16 to April 15. Shoveling charge per 1,000 bu. $4.00. R: RK. Conn:: C.-P. ER: Supt.--G. J. Shaw. Res. Phone 22. J. L. Simpson, Agt. G. P. R.