Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1941, p. 484

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ra oe mes GENERAL INDEX Page A Few Historical Facts and Canals'... ... 23... Wow hohe, 325 Rivnabetica: List or Vessels .2 3 2s i ew 129 Alphabetical List of Vessels, Showing Their Grain and Coal Cary Capacily §.2 2... a Poa Almbapetical List Of Owners... 2. ee a ek 97 Alphabetical List of Passenger Boats (02.68.6250)... 6: 211 Aipunoeiical List of Car Perries 3. 3. 2. es a 209 @iphabetical List of Selfi-Unloading Boats ...............%. 83 fai Grath Receipts 4a. 6 os os Se ee ow. ee ee 320 Re i ee ee es wr ee 327 Pe POTCe Cs od se a ee 209 Carrying Capacities of Lake VeSSels 2.4; 6... ies ica 129-191 Peers OF tarbors 23. ee ee. ee 272 Leal Carryme Capacities of Ships ...037..,..: 427 25.2... 19t Coal and Miscellaneous Docks of the Great Dike io 379 'oa: Reeerpts at Milwaukee ...... 00.02... gees ee 323 Coal Shipments by Ports ...... ee ee 314 Coal Shipments to Canadian Ports ......... Se "old pt eal Onipments, Anthracice...°....2 2.25.20 os 314 Ponl Shipments, Bituminous ..2... cs S 314 fon. Shipments to Duluth and Superior . ... 22.0.2... ee. B22 Past Guard prations . 20. . 37. ee ee. es 81 ee a y Pty (oc othe Great lakes... 2 ck oe ee ee 76-78 Pai ag Superior Coal Receipts >..::. 22.52... Bae Porevarirs of the Great Lakes 7. 0... oc eee, 341 Poets and Boilers of lake Suips 2... 6k. is ia 247 meee omip.on the Great Lakes 7.......3.....05.. Bo, 325 mivst Steamer on th Great Lakes=.... «ee 325 Fleet Carrying Capacities of American Boats in Ore Trade .. 318 ieereral Statistics of Lake Vessels .....0...-2 ee 129 Grain Carryine Capacities of Ships ..2:2 2.0.22... 2. ee 191 Perain Elevators of the Great Lakes: 2i.0.0. 2.22. .22. 2 341 ea Diipiponts by Ports 2. 6 ee 320 Ista) rere Rates trom Duluth .....,-......2....... 03. B17 Pai puippients from Ciuicaco 7.0.07 oe es. 321 Gram Shipments- from Milwaukee |... >. 2.2.4 303 oe 323 Gram onipmems trom unin .......... 527.56. 2s. eg 320 Grain Shipments from Fie William |. 252223 oe. i 323 Grain Shipments to Montreal .......... Grain Receipts at Chicago by Lake ..... 6.0 O OOO OY C6. ONO 00 6.6 668 Se: Grain: Receipts at Butialo 2........2...4....56... 4 Grain. Receipts at' Duluth by bake .<. .......55 540 .. Grain: Receipts at Milwaukee by Lake .-......0...23...5..5 Great bakes; Te .... 2.4.50... 6200 Great bakes Chart <....2...... 146% 2. Croat takes Teac :: i. oo. oe eo ., Igarbor Oharts" 26 oe ee Historical Pacts ... ... 2)... te, Ivon. Ore Loading Docks ........2....5. . #ron: Ore Unioadine Decks ......<..-.- CACO 0) OOo OO 00 O65 (0 ar Oe 0-6 e CO OO OOO CLO O86. 6. © Or 86. 6-0. Iron Ore Dock Superintendents (Upper Lake Docks) ........ tron. Ore Preient Kates 22 .¢....... 12. fron. Ore Shipmems . 22... 2... O60 HOO 6-10 00 10). 8 60.00) 6. 6 8 8 Iron Ore Shipments by Ranges .. 22.20 6 Iron Ore Shipments by Companies ...... Moscellaneous. Docks ..2.5....2...,.2... Names of Vessels Which Have Been Changed ............... New York State Barge Canal Terminals . Passencer Boats 02... 2. Elfmc@ll Mark ..:25250 5.3) .2. 07 PYOlace 02 Record Careoes 662 ee O06 OO OS ON O00 OO 6 068 6. Oe De 8 OO G8 eC 6 OO 10 0: & 0) 00 206; 6 ee O86, (0 BO LOO 10 0 OOOO EO a ee ew, P2Os 07 @ 02. Bi Or 02 8:8. 6. OO 70, 6 0. 68 O RAVOrS (Ge ee mailing Distinecs' "2.5.5, ... 5022. oo. Selt-UWloaeie Boats ...... =... Ships Equipped with Radio-Telephone Sets ................. poo Canal Traine se. Steamship Corporations --........ 2... shoker Wired Steamers ...2.5..5....... Title Faee (2. Tues of the Great Lakes =... Tugs Names that have been changed .. Waterways and Locks of the Great Lakes Waterways of the U, S -... 2.222. 2. G. Weather Signale =... 22.75 ....2...2.. OOO Oe (OO O66 oO ee ee. eo e @ O00) Oe OB Os 6 050): 6 6 e eee 8 © OCW OF OHO) ONE ONO 0G OOO 8 aS 0 OO OO ORO OO ee 8 Or OL e Oe © 9.0 Os WRN OO SOs 0, 562) OBOE OO eek e © OO OAR EO O88 45 ees ONE ee ete RRS OOO O00: € 0g 00 0 0). 0 6 0 8 Le Page 323 320 320 320 323 326 318 272 325 481 369 481 316 324 318 319 379 217 478 211 16 317 326 235 83 338 322 231 233 296 293 333 14 50 191 484

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