ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 161 OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION CO., LTD., R. W. Shep- Str. Lavaldoc herd, Mgr., 614 St. James St., Phone MA 3536, Montreal, Str. Lawrendoc Que. Str. New Brundoc Str. Westchester Str. Novadoc Str. Portadoc No. 162 PAISLEY, Robert J., Mgr., Western Reserve Bldg., Phone Str. cee CH 5245, Res. LA 7055, Cleveland, Ohio. Str. mee oc J. A. Paisley S. S. Co. Str. ove a Str. Ben E. Tate Str. Thordoc Str. Torondoc | Morrow Steamship Co. Str. Troisdoc | sir. Paisley, R. J. Str. Wellandoc E No. 163 PATERSON STEAMSHIPS, LTD., N. M. Paterson, Pres. No. 164 PEERLESS MARINE TRANSIT CO., E. S. Lindsay, Megr., & Mer., E. B. Sutherland, Asst. Mgr., Phone South 550, 612 Clairmont St., Port Huron, Mich. Fort William, Ont., J. D. Montgomery, Traffic Megr., 923 Bge. Chippewa Insurance Exchange Bldg., Montreal, Que., Phone Marq. Bge. Peerless 3232: Tug Search Upper Lake Vestels No. 165 PELTIER, HENRY L., Mount Clements, Mich. Str. Canadoc Bge. B. West Str. Fort Willdoc Str. Mantadoc No. 166 PENNSYLVANIA & ONTARIO TRANS. CO., J. L. Tinny, 7 Str. Ontadoc Mer., Rockefeller Bldg., West 6th and Superior, Phone | Str. Prindoc Main 3966, Cleveland, Ohio. | Str. Quedoc Str. Ashtabula | = eae ag | tr. d | Ge Cando No. 167 PERE MARQUETTE RAILWAY CO., R. J. Bowman, : Str. Windoc Vice Pres., General Motors Bldg., Phone Madison 8600, Detroit, Mich. | Canal and Lower Lake Vessels L. H. Kent, Supt., Steamships, Ludington, Mich. Str. Cartierdoc Str. City of Midland No. 41 Str. Collingdoc Str. City of Saginaw No. 31 Str. Coteaudoc Str. City of Flmt No. 32 Str. Farrandoc Str. Pere Marquette No. 12 Str. Ganandoc Str. Pere Marquette No. 14 Str. Hamildoc Str. Pere Marquette No. 18 Str. Kingdoc Str. Pere Marquette No. 21 Lachinedoe Str. Str. Pere Marquette No. 22. 114