- JOHN H. SMITH ALLEN A. SMITH SMITH BROTHERS Marine Architects, Surveyors and Appraisers | Careful attention given to all work appertaining to -- | the designing, supervision of construction, altering, | repairing and maintenance of all types of Lake | Vessels. Designs, Estimates and Specifications Damage and Construction Surveys 954-6-8 Rockefeller Bldg. CLEVELAND - OHIO MAin 2285 Great Lakes Towing Co. 1800 Terminal Tower CLEVELAND, OHIO LOCAL MANAGERS Bullalo 2 ee Robert Lovelace Cleveland ..........0 0. ee S. M. Grant Ashtabula, Conneaut, Erie, Fairport... ...... Fred Brown Duluth. Geo. W. Johnson John E. Murrin Lorain, Sandusky, Fluron.. . 2.2798. 3. Ray Cornwall Toledo, Detroit, St. Clair River Ralph B. Millard Russel B. McPherson South Chicago, Chicago Oe ee ete feces, Soo and Steamer Favorite... ... 2... 127