GENERAL DIMENSIONS AND STATISTICS--Continued . y DIMENSIONS HATCHES | 2 a CAPACITY OF COMPARTMENTS VESSEL gs 2 3 c § g 'a 3 gZ a ~~ ~ = ~ : 3 t S Le) oa Es Be) Bg (a8) 8 [ee te [om eee) be 2 ee ee STEAMERS Back Bay. 2. g2oo. Steel 3200 240 402" 27' 3 28'x36' a 1908 2 Rigs with 50' Booms 4-28x12 2 1 2 1 74. Badger State..... --..: kooo steel = 2/00 2o0) | 4G 2 6 {Poa 4 Arch 1912 700. =500. -900 600 : 3 4 2298 Baird, Frk B. (Can.) 1748 Steel 2400 253' 431" 20 7. I2'x29 24' 2) Arch 1923 1100 1300 12 ee 11 175 Baker, Geo. F..2 -... 7210 Steel 11300 560 68 32. £2 Oxse 12' 3 Arch Side 1907 4000 3300 4000 10 9 9 217 Ball Brothers.....-.. 5733 . Steel .8700 480' 82'. - 30. 26 9 12' 3 Arch Side 1905-2900 2300 3500 72 Barnes, Andrew M.... 1040 Steel 1900 242.6" 361" 1299" 7. I2x20' 7 1921 About 270 tons each @ Bane ids. 1623 Steel 3100 290 427 21 5 1-500 5 - Arch 1940 -18x 72 Warnes. Richard]... 1040 Steel 1900 2426" 261" 208". 7 IZxZU 7 1921 Hpout 270 tons each 3 S2 Bare (Can)... 1823 Steel 2500 2527 438° 196 6 Pa ZA" 2 OATH 1925. 1250. 1350 3 3 3 3 49 Bartelme, M7... | 3850,, Steel 5600: 412' 48 28' 2 83" 24' 4 Areh Side 1896 1600 1500 1400. 1300 137. Gatiscan (Can)... 1656 Steel 500 200'. 402" 47 1909 Package Freight 22 Battleford (Can.).... 3219 Steel 9/00 343 436" 257 1 25x26" 3: Arch 1925 -- eh 1800 ZiA Baylax (Can.)....... Steel . 1350 195' 87'. 1672" 4 18x24 2 1912 675 675 Length of Boom 60 Ft.» 3 3 3 3 189 = Bayeon (Can)... ... A176 Steel - 7000 416. 50°-.. 287 12: 38! 24' 4 1904 2000 1500 1400 2100 205, Beaumont Parks..... 4154 Steel Ov 373 5D 25! 1912 32 Beaverton (Can.).... 2012 Steel 3000 249' ~42' 24' 94" 3 1908 Package Freight 215 Belg... 3860 Steel Oi 3700. 48. 28" 1902 213. Belleville (Can:) .... 1515.2 Comp."1250. 222. 34'. 256" 6 1873 80 2029 Steel" 3000. 238 = 4 26' 3 26'%02' 1! Arch 1897. Brown Hoist Cranes 2 50' Booms Bennington...... ae 131