NAMES OF BOATS WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED--Continued PRESENT NAME. OLD NAME. Str. South Pare. = Frank Rockefeller. "Sorel, © Duchess of York. ** Sowards (Can)... Rand. "- Sparta 7.2 2 Frank W. Hart: '** . Spruce Bay (Can). =... Soutier. * Saume, Samiierti = Cetus--H. S. Sill. Bge. St. Stand, Portland Cement. .C. F. Moll. Stanley, H. M. (Can.)-.. J. Ho Breck. Stanstead (Can)... Clyde. Staples, Gale (Can.).....Caledonia. Starmout (Can) 2. Pabjune. State of New -York....... City of Mackinac. State of Ohio. 3s 2: City of Alpena. Steel King... 2. Delos W. Cooke Steeitiog. =. H. K. Oakes--Milinoket. Stevens, Frank B. (Can.).St. Joseph. Stifel, Wako 2 Normania. Storemount (Cand 2 ee Avon. Strom. Herman, C... >. A. H. Ferbert--A. F. Harvey-- Wisconsin Strtigess; Geo... Fe Higgie. Ste. Annie De Beaupre (Can 2s Quebec. St. Igmnce: Colonel Pond. St. Irenee (Can,) <.. . 22. Canada. St. Lawrence... John Webster. Stuart, W..... Collinge--Cumberland. St. Lawrence... John Webster. Sullivan Brothers. .....-- Ctto M. Reiss--F. B. Wells... Sumatra 2... 2 Empire City. Superiof (Can.).....-7.. Parks Foster, Syracuse Geronia. Swedene L ©. Smith; Swederope (Can.)........Sidney G. Thomas. SWI a Wotan. Svivatie D. M. Philbin--Sylvania. ; Taber, Horace. .- =. Amoskeag. - Tadousac Can ys. Virginia. Taplin, Prank ©......2- =: C. W. Kotcher. 'Tate, Bea ee. Wm. Nelson. Tours. 6 Saturn. Taylor, S. Frater (Can.)..Perry G. Walker. Teas. .2 3 Scranton. | PRESENT NAME. Sir. ee ee ce "ce e ce ce ee ee "é "eé oe Bge. "6eé ee "é Str. ce é ce "ce ee "eé "c" oe eé "eé ce "eé ee se éé 6é "6 «&é 6é "cc a6 en 20: ee Tennessee >... .4. 2.0 Thom, no. 5... 3.6. Thompson, David P.... Thoradoc-(Can:).= .. .. Thorold. (Can: ) i= vic... Thunder Bay (Can.)... Thunder Bay Quarries... Thunder Bay Quarries... Three Brothers. ....... Tolmie, John (Can.)... Torhamvan (Can.)..... » Dranster< 5 ee ee 'Transiake (Can. ).-.... 'Transport:..2.. 3. Transriver (Can. - seen Tremaine, M.S. <2... 'Tristan... 6. Sea eS 'Troxel, David S05. . 'Turmer, Jo). oe Unrie: Alex B. .. Uhrig, Edward A....... Ulva (Can) -2 ... Ramapo. Stephen M. Clement. ... Thunder Bay Quarries--T. H. Wick- Underwood, F. D..... United States Gypsum. . . United States Gypsum Ufants = ee, PISGNA ee Valley Camp (Can.). .. Vandoc (Gan.)>.. .. . ... Portage. . .Frontenac. ._ | C..Gilehrist. Van Vleck, Geo. H.. 'Vaudreuil (Can.)...... /Vermiriion. 7) <2. Ae Ven Victorious (Can.).--.>.. Vigor Prank &.. Vikine ee 2 Vindale es Wallace; R: B.. OLD NAME. Lake Giltedge. John Spry. H. W. Williams. Wilpen. _ >]: Ac MeKee. ..Chicago Tribune. .. Malta. .John J. Boland. .T. H. Wickwire, Jr. H. W. Williams. Clara. Canadian Logger. Wm. McGregor. Poplarbay--Biessard. C. C. Barnes. Maplebay--Satteville. Mary C. Elphicke. Lairg--Penobscot. Sonoma. J. Q. Riddle. Centurion." Sheldon Parks. Poznan--Carronpark. wire, Jr. Wm. E. Reis. Roslyn--Chas. Beatty--Bayusona. Kinloch. Argus--H. S. Holden. Pendennis White. .. Victory. W. B. Pilkey--Sir Wm. Siemans. Clinton-- Viking. | .. Jesse Spalding.. eS. Earling. 4 § en i eh Ne ta