Office 3-4614 Residence 3-8732 C. F. WAUGH Steamship and Transport Agent Prompt Clearance and Efficient Handling of Merchandise Assured 1619 Windsor Avenue Windsor, Ont. was chosen to protect the worlds largest carferry CITY OF MIDLAND The Pere Marquette Railway Company's new stream- lined flagship "City of Midland" is an outstanding example of modern marine luxury and efficiency. Furnishings and equipment throughout are of a super- lative quality. In keeping with the high standard set by the owners and builders of this new Passenger and Freight Car- ferry is the 180 fathoms of 143" Naco Anchor Chain with which she is equipped: Naco one-piece stud links are made of Naco steel having a minimum tensile strength of 100,000 Ibs. per square inch. Extra Strength-- Easy to operate Specify NACO Distributors for NATIONAL MALLEABLE AND STEEL CASTINGS CO. General Offices: CLEVELAND, OHIO ACO anchor CHAI TRADE MARK 230.