TABLE IV--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE HURON AND ST. MARYS RIVER Other tables to which 30° 35. 34.(-33. 232. 311 30 29 28 1.27...26 25.124 23 22 | 21-20. -19 | 18 «17 461-15. - 14:13) 2 It 10 9 8 G6 4 322 initial point Nos. 1-3 are common: é as He oe oo -F ig 2 2% --Lake Michigan. = 5 5 a oO o se = g q 8 S 3 V--Lake Erie, St. ~ So 1 = 8 6 21s. 6 2 3 q 2| 2 = % aie. a Clair, Detroit and = Sig © @ es 2 2S 22 Fe a So £isg 224. 8 2 & - © = & | 3 8 2 a Niagara Rivers. - $e 8 2 £ 2k 2 2 ee ee Se 2 8 8@) 5 £€62 1 Ss 651/52 3 2 & @ 6 |3 6 3-| 2 = VI--Lake Ontario & &§ S$ £€1:38 32 @ls & ES s 2 2s 2122 es ee 2 se oe 2 2 sh 21g" 21a St. Lawrence River. SB 2 6) eo B@ Bie 2 £€ 6s 2S £S& 2 6 ee 2 seein ee 6 2 2 ee OS & A eS 1 JaPort Huron (V-VI)...... *237 5237 s249 | 224 212 223] 231 228 246] 242 266 265 | 264 257 240 | 237 227 120 | 93 64 32 62 174 161 | 118 116 155 | 165 193 232 | 242 246 223 | 269 247 2 |bOld Mackinac Pt. (III)..| 69 *101 *116 | *143 *167 *196 | *205 *211 235 231 256 255 | 254 247 230 | 227 217 189 | 192 211 215 | 186 223 210 | 163 142 115 83. 54 18 & 6 45 90 2. 3 lcSault Ste. Marie (II)....| $48 488 $106 | £131 $155 £184 |4193 £201 $242 |£238 268 267 | 266 259 242 | 239 229 207 | 213 234 238 | 208 246 232 | 185 165 137 | 107 84 84 84.90 45) 22. 4) Detour... . =... §24 §58 §76 |§101 $125 §154 |$163 $171 201 | 198 224 222 | 221 214 197 | 194 185 162 | 168 189 193 | 164 201 187 | 140 120 92 61 40 39 39 425 ee 5 | St. Ignace...........--- $68 *100 *115 | *142 *166 *195 | *204 *209 234 | 231 256 254 | 252 246 229 | 227 217 191 | 194 214 216 | 187 224 210 | 163 143 115 | 83 55 20 O08. Bee 6| Mackinac Island........ §63 *95 *110 | *137 *161 *190 | *199 *204 229 | 226 251 249 | 248 241 224 | 221 212 186 | 189 209 212 | 184 220 207 | 159 140 111 7900 LE | 22 le le 7 | Cheboygan... $63 *92 *106 | *133 *157 *186|*195 *197 221 | 217 242 241 | 240 233 216 | 213 204 175 | 178 198 202 | 173 210 196 | 149 129 101 69°40. | 8 | Rogers: 53... *63 574 s87 |s114 3138 157] 163 164 187] 183 208 206 | 206 199 182 | 177 169 139 | 142 161 163 | 134 171 157 | 110 90 61 Ob a 9| Rockport: =. -..-. _-. *79 s79 s92/|s119 123 136] 143 1438 166] 162 187 186 | 185 178 161 | 158 148 112 | 113 132 134 | 106 142 129 82.62 2310. ee 10| Alpena. ...:..2--- *107. s107 3120 13143 131 145| 151 152: 174] 171 195 193 | 192 185 168 | 165 156 109 | 107 124 125 | 97 129 116 | 69 40... |... ... ... | .-..:. -:. | --< «:- 11 | Au Sable. =... *135 5135 s148 | 158 146 160] 163. 166 183] 180 204 202 | 201 189 177 | 174 165 98 8 93 861 58 838 69 Dl eR ee fe ee 12| Hast: Tawas.:..-.- 2... *155 5155 s168 | 175 163 176] 180 182 199} 196 220 218 | 217 210 194 | 190 181 110 | 94 95 88 60:68 O40. 2 ee ee 13 | Bay City...........+--- #902: 5202, s215 | 222 210 2231 298 299 2451 243 267 265.| 264 257 240 | 237 228 153} 136 137-130 | 102 138 ...| ..... 2. |]... | ee. 14) Sagmnaw. 3. *916 5216 S118 | 935 223 287 | 242. 249 258) 256 280 278 |. 278 271 254:| 250 241 167 | 149 15] 144 |) 115.) | 15 | Harbor Beach........... *178 s178 s191 | 171 159 171] 176 176 194] 190 214 213 | 212 205 188 | 185 175 79 56 47-32 | 2S ee es, ae ee 16.| Port Sanilac... =... =. *207 5207 s219 | 197 185 196] 201 201 219] 215 239 238 | 237 230 213 | 210 200 97 102 AP ee ee 17 | Goderich =... = sl98 si98 204 | 169 159° 172 | 172.174 1924 189 218 211 | 210 207 187 |. 183 1/4. O41 386 | a, | 18 | Kincardine. 6. 2 sl73 sl74 (174 | 1410 198 142) 119 144° 1621 158 182 181 | 180 176 156 |. 153144 30)... a | 19 | Southampton. -.......: 8166 s166 155 | 122 110.128 130 125 143 140 163 162 |-161-157 137 | 164 125.2. 2. | 20 |\dWiarton. 2 si88 158 142 | 110°. 94 = 88 19. Sl 74. 71 16. 74 13 -be 30 29 Ne ee | 21 |dOwen Sound........-:.--. 8197 16% 1521 119. 103 97 07 89 79:75 71 70 | .69 AG. 29 | el a a a 22 |\dMeaford. .4:-2..-2.3.-- s200 169 153 | 121 105 96} 96 86 71] 68 55 53 52 14 *Vj 93 |dCollingwood..........-- <217. 186 171 | 138 120 108| 107 97 9§0| 76 57 55| 54... ... eo eee 24 |dPenetanguishene........ aod 487 172 | 129 120 100 104 94 72/-70 12 10). 2... sVia Mississagi Strait and North Channel. 25 |dMidland 225 188 173 | 140 121 107| 105 95 73| 70 7 ee idland. 2. 2 ..2. 5295 188 173°] 140 121. 107) 105-90 73) 00. 7 | : ee 26 \dVielorin Harbor. ey io 174 | tae 198 108) 100 07 76| TL ov Fotagonmesing Bay end Neth 27 |dDepot Harbor... ...--.. 193° 155 1401 1072. 8% 73 71... 62 Gee eer, EXPLANATION. 28:|dParry Sound: /:: 2. -: 107° 150 1438: 14 - Ol 77 | fo 60 | ee 29 |\dBying Inlet... 5 = 155 118 102 70 50. SL 27 le Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table I. 30 |dKey Harbor......... =: 148 110 94 G2 AD 00 ee ee Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding from St. Marys River southward along the west shore, and returnin northward up the east 31 |dFrench River........... 139 101 86 FO ee ee ee ee oe shore around Georgian Bay, and westward through North Channel. 32 |\diillarney.-- 110: 72. 56 Oh el For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances from all 33 | Little Current. ......--. SE AS B85 ee a le a places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, which also appr in the other tables respectively indicated by numeral designation. The through dis- 34 Gore Bay... Gl OF tance from a given point in this table to a given point in any other table is the sum 35 | Algoma Mills........... 4350 ee ee of the respective distances to each given point from the initial point which is common 36 | Thessalon: 2 Oe a a ee to the two tables. a From Fort Gratiot range. b From sailing course point north of light. c From abreast east end of U. S. center pier, and (except those marked {) via Middle 241 Neebish and Detour; distances downbound through West Neebish are 1 mile less. - d_ Distances to Georgian Bay ports (except those marked *, f, f, §) are via the bay entrance from Lake Huron and St. Marys River points and via Little Current from North Channel points,