F- TABLE V--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE ERIE AND ST. CLAIR, DETROIT, AND NIAGARA RIVERS S126 36,1 34 38 32 1.31. 30.981 98 27 96195 24-58 oF 81 90) 18. 18 7 16 16 14 ie ie i 7 8 & os Other tables to which initial points Nos. 1-3 2 ae 2 = : --Lake Superior. | es = 2 a 5 = je ZB 5 IJJ--Lake Michigan. 2 on. oS =a so 2 5 © ga | 8 2 a § IV--Lake Huron and Se gle & S 8 i. 2 8 2 = 5 bas Hie 23 gfe 6 2e St. Marys River. > fs 2a oo = Se 2 2s $14@-3 3 oA ef 5S e 22 € 3 2 = 4.5 a@ 8 & ano VI--Lake Ontario & re ee St. Lawrence River. Meginageizeaegiag® €¢ S@€6sctS eel iege €ie& &= a see ack g¢a2e eee 1 ald Mackinac Point (IIL).| 360 416 461 | 476 528 540 | 590 582 571 | 541 502 474 | 461 436 418 | 398 393 389 | 382 365 371 | 365 349 335 | 328 326 321 | 311 323 296 | 287 274 266 | 259 247 554 2 Port Colborne (VI) ..... 201 146 109 | 89 52 18 | 41 33 22| 25 65 92 | 104 130 160 | 180 190 198 | 204 204 213 | 237 227 219 | 226 229 234 | 244 292 278 | 267 281 288 | 296 307 3 bPort Huron (II-IV)...... 113 169 214 | 229 281 293 | 343 335 324 | 294 255 227 | 214 189 171 | 151 146 142 | 135 118 124 | 118 102 88 | 81 79 74| 64 76 49| 40 27 19) 12.:.... 4| St. Cla. 2 401 158 203 | 218 270 282 | 332 324 313 | 283 243 216 | 203 178 160 | 140 135 131 | 124 107 113 | 107 91 77| 70 68 63| 52 64 37| 29 15 8|......... 5| Marine City... 93 150 195 | 210 262 274 | 324 316 305 | 275 236 209 | 195 171 152 | 132 127 123 | 116 99 105| 99 838 69] 63 60 55| 45 57 30] 21 7 ..J]......... 6| Algonac... 86 143 188 | 203 255 267 | 317 309 298 | 268 228 201 | 188 163 145 | 125 120 116 | 109 92 98 | 92 76 62| 55 83 48 | 37 49 22| I4..-...]......... 7 cSt. Clair Wats. 2.0.2. 72 129 174 | 189 241 253 | 303 295 284 | 254 215 187 | 174 149 131 | 111 106 102 | 95 78 84| 78 62 48, 41 39 34/ 23 35 15]... ... 1} 2s sy 8| Mt. Clemens. 2. 83 140 185 | 200.252 264 | 314.306 295 | 265 226 199 | 185 161 142 | 499 117 118 | 106 89.95 | 89 73 59 | 53 50 45; 33.49...) ...... 2 9| Chatham = 2 2 97 154 199 | 214 265 278 | 328 320 309 | 279 239 212 | 198 174-156 | 136 130 197 | $20 102 108 | 102. 87 73 | G6 63 569) 48... |... ee) 10} Detroit (Woodward Ave.).| 49 406 151 | 166 217 230 | 280 272 261 | 231 191 164 | 150 126 108 | 88 82 79 | 72 64 GO| 54 38 25) 18 15 11|:........) 2...) 11| Wyandotte... 2, 39 96 141 | 156 208 220 | 270 262 251 | 221 182 154 | 141 111 98| 78 73 69| 62 45 51] 45 29 15 So 8 ees. oe ee 12|.Trenton. 2 34: 91 136 | 151 203 215 | 265 257 246 | 216 177 140 136 111 93 73 68 64) 5 40 46) 40 24°10) DB 2... 13, Ambherstburg............. 34. 88 193 | 448 200 219 | 262 964 24% | 219 173: 146 | 193-108 901 70 64 GL 54. 36-421 36 21 7. 14| Detroit River Light...... .|- 24 -81 196 | 441 193 205 | 955 247 936 | 206: 166 139 | 126 101 $3.1. 68 58 541 2¢ 30 36) 30 MF. 2... 15 Monroe (Piers).......... 34 88 134 | 149 200 213 | 268 255 244 | 214 174 147°1 133 108 89 68. 60 54) 48 30.35) 2k. Ct 16 |. Toledo (River Mouth)....|- 45 §8 148 | 150 210 293 | 972 265-954 | 204 185 157 | 144 109 961 72.60 591.53 38 40)... 4). Te 17, Port Clinton 97 75 120 | 186 187 100 | 240 941 930 4 200 160 191 | 118 92 67 | 48 36.201 22 12.0 [2 ee as 18) Putin-Bay 2. 97 6G 111.| 197 177-190 | 240 292 291 | 100 150 122 | 109 88. GL]. 9s 32 27 > 424i 19 Sandusky (Wharves)..... 41 69 114 | 130 178 190 | 239 232 221 | 189 149 120 | 107 79 55 | 29 21 14 20; Huron, 47 68 111 | 124 172 184 | 233 226 215 | 183 142 113 | 99 72 47] 20 11 : 21/ Vermilion,.............. 46 62 104 | 117 163 175 | 225-217 206 | 174 138 104 | 90 63 37] 11... ... EXPLANATION. 22\ Lonin = 48 67. 97 | 109 164 166 | 216 208 107 |-164 194° 95 | 80 63 28... : oo : ; : 23 Cleveland (M.Entrance) .| 65 53 85 | 93 134 146 | 194 187176 | 148102 3/| 59 33...|......... Bap eres ey applicable dee all tables as peeled in Table ' 24| Fairport... 7 62 161 165 157 146 114 78 441 80 oints in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding oe os oe 8 ee southward in St. Clair River and Lake and Detroit River, eastward along the 25| Ashtabula... 108: G3 56 1 47-7) 90 | 98 190 1190 | 86 45 16 |) = i south shore of Lake Erie to Niagara River, and returning westward along the 26| Conneaut... 2 190 74 501 46 G8 80. 06 115 107 4 north lake shore. __ : : : : 1 Bde 2 5 "1 4a0 08 70 56 47-64) 68 60 7s) For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances from all places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, 28| Dunkirk. 8 58 134 08) FS GO 26) fe 48 37). ee which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated by numeral 20| Buffel 2, dis 101 1h 10) 72 ie designation. The through distance from a given point in this table to a given 30| Tonawanda,............ Onn t7a 107 | 17, 88 point in any other table is the sum of the respective distances to each given ee ee ee ee pom ae _ poet which oOo to the ~ tables. i oS 31| Niagara Falls...) Oa 42 gh |) te OT ackinac Point being the common point for determining distances from Lake 32| Port Males ee Erie points to points in Lake Michigan (table III), a through distance would 33 Port Dover... | 15 1 be derived as follows: 34| Pot Bowel a a Old Mackinac Point to Tonawanda ....... 3.. See os PotAuaey ee Old Mackinac Point to Sheboygan . , 2 36) Rondesii. 630 ee Tonawahds (9 She 794 3/1 Kingsville... Os ee a From sailing course point north of light. b From Fort Gratiot range. c From south end of canal dikes. 243 Se