TABLE VI--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE ONTARIO AND ST. LAWRENCE RIVER 37 3635 : 34: 338 232 31. 30. 29 28 27.26 125 24-23 +22 2120719 18 177-16 15 141 13 12 12 a0 9 8 7 6 25 43 Other tables to which initial points Nos. 1-3 3 are common: = ao a 3 : > = I]--Lake Superior. = 5 5 5 = 3 2 2 a s ive I1J--Lake Michigan. ao & a 2 a bo |e = 3 = Bs a a8 ve ee and = 5 £8) &@ oe Se & & 3 = = 3 S| « =| 2 ote g Se 8 2 8 3 AW) 8 8 t. Marys River. 2 &m Ss Ss = © nan - a ol 6 = aS Oo OC OS .6 is 2 mo 68S aS viene o | 2 2 2/2 £ 6) ie 22/2 4 a|i2 2B clbg s/s e|/2 2224 lei sis #a\28 Clair, Detroit and oS & 3S 13S os wo Ss Se 5 @ |S 2 | 8 S$ Bie 8 82) 8 &§ £15 & aa 8 & Sis & @ ae Niagara Rivers. = a a Me Oo © ca Fa 5 So Mm. = Oe O11 Me A. 4 Qe Oo ee Higa wu a a Oo Dm ia © (a Ow Aa 1} aOld Mackinac Point (III)| 922 913 883 | 855 851 840 | 835 819 810 | 803 791 770 | 764 760 764 | 745 732 719 | 702 692 657 | 652 611 610 | 581 602 596 | 613 673 703 | 715 725 749 | 744 554 2| bPort Huron GV)... 7... 675 666 636 | 608 604 594 | 588 572 563 | 556 544 523 | 517 513 517 | 498 485 472 | 455 445 410 | 405 364 363 | 334 355 349 | 366 426 456 | 468 478 502 | 497 307 3| Port Colborne (II-V)....| 368 359 329 | 301 297 286 | 281 265 256 | 249 237 216 | 210 206 210 | 191 177 165 | 148 188 103 | 98 57 56| 27 48 421] 59 119 149 | 161 171 194 | 190 .. 4| Cape Vincent... -- 179 170. 140 | 111 107 °97'| 91 75 = 66) 60 47 27 | 20 16: 21 | 24 45 50:| 67. 77.10f\-107 160 186.) 163 159 153 | 184.88 68 | 58 49 26) 2 5| Sacketts Harbor......... 204-195 165 | 137-132. 122 | 116 101 -91 | 85 73 52) 45 41.46) 37-57 621 79 89.106 | 111 165 1904 168 168 157.) 138 89: 65 | 53 41... 4. 2. 6) Oswego... ee: 227 218 188 | 160 156 145.1140 124 115 | 108 96 75 | 69° 6b 69:| 55 67. 72 89 82: 91) 96.145 167 |) 144 140 133 | 143 59 29 | 15. | 7| Little Sodus Bay.......-. 237 228 198 | 1690. 165 155 |.149. 133 124 | 118 105 85 | 78.74 79 | 64 74 79.) 90 80 85) 91 136. 158'| 1947131 125 | 105 48 18 |. 2 | 3. 8| Sodus Bay....2 = 246 237 207 | 179 175. 165: | 159 143.134 | 127-115 94) 88 84. 89 172 79° 84185 74 77) 82 124 145 | 122 118 112 Oo 8b 9| Charlotte =. 266. 257 227 |.199 195 184 | 179° 163 154 | 147 135 114 |. 108 104°108 | 89 94 92:5 75 65 57 4- 61 95.116.) 92.89 831} 63 0.22 | 10| Olcott... 2 302 293 263 | 234. 230: 220 | 214 198 189 |-183 170-150 | 143: 139 144 | 132-116 111 | 94.83 51} 47 38 56 |} 32° 28 92 11); Niagara-on-the-Lake..... 339. 393 298 | 264 260 250 | 244 228 219 | 213 900 180 | 173 169-174 | 154 142 128 | 112.101. 67 | 63. 30 39) 15 G6)... © | 8 2 |. 12) Lewiston....5 22 397. 398 209 | 270° 266. 256 | 250. 234 225 | 218 206 185 | 179 175.180 | 160 148 134 | 118. 107 73°) 69 36 45) 21 | 13) Port Dalhousie... S44" 332 302) 274 270° 260 |. 254 238-220 1 299 910 189 |. 183 179-183 | 164 1bL 198:/-191 111 76. 71 30,29) 14| Hamilton.) 22.2 32. 364-355. 325 | 297 293 282.1276. 261 252 | 245 233 212 | 206 201 206.) 187 172 159 | 142 182. 94 | --88 *31 | ee 15} Toronto (East Entrance) .| 338 329 300 1-271 267 257 |251 235 226 | 219 207 186 | 180 176 181 | 161 142 129 | 113102) Gb. 59. =e ld 16) Port Hope... 995° 976. 246) 218 214 203: 1 197. 182 173 | 166154 133 | 127 122: 127| 107. 86. 740.58 47. fi 17| Cobourg 22. 979° 970° 240 | 212 208 197 |. 192 176 167) 160 148 127 | 121 117 121 | 102-80 67) 50 40°. | 18| Trento: 2 3 951° 949 919 | 186 179-169 | 163. 148 1388 | 132,119 1001-94 90 88 | 70-40 272 tt | 19| Bellville... 241 232 202 | 176 169 159 | 153 138 128 | 122 109 90| 84 80 78| 60 30 17 20| Deseronto: =... 924 215 185 | 159 153 142 | 1836 121 112 | 105 93 74| 67 63 61)| 438 14 21|. Picton. 2 919 210 180 | 154 147 137.) 131 116 1061-100 88 69 |. 62 58 56 | 38 ....-. EXPLANATION. 22! Kingston 32 3) 182-173 143 | 115 110. 100). 64. 79. 69 |. 68 50: 317) 25.21 19)... Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in 23). Gananoque........ 164 155 125 | 96 92 821 76 60 5I | 45 3218 | 14 10) 2. Table I. : : : 24| Clayton... 168 154 124 | 96 91 811 .75 60 50| 44 32 Aes oe ee Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence pro- ceeding westward along the south shore and returning eastward along 25| Thousand Island Park. | 160. 151.121 | 98 88 78 | 72 57 47) 41°28 8) 2-26... the north shore of the lake and down St. Lawrence River. 26; Alexandria Bay......... 15d 145 115. 85 84 0. 6k a a For determining distances to points located in other lakes, dis- 27| Brockville... 2.3. 131 102 93°) 64.60 -50:) 44. 28) 10 12 tances from all places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, which also appear in the other tables respectively indicated 28| Ogdensburg. .... 120 111 81 | 52. 48 =--38:) 32. 16 VO ey ee ee by numeral designation. The through distance from a given point in 29| cGalop Canal. 52.7. 112 103 74 |. 45 AL 81 25 Oe this table to a given point in any other table is the sum of the respective 30) cRapide Plat Canal....... 103°. 94 64 36 32 19 WG a a distances to each given point from the initial point which is common to the two tables. Thus, Port Colborne being the common point for 31] cFarran Point Canal...... 88° 79° 49 | 20° 16 Ce determining distances from Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River 32| cCornwall Canal......... 89 78 AS 15, 10 a points to points in Lake Superior (table II), a through distance would 33\- Cornwall. 71 Bo 33 Oe ee le be derived as follows: Port Colborne to Cornwall... ss... 297 34) St. Regis. 68 59 28 Pe a: Port Colborne to Fort William. ...-.. 2.22... . es. 848 35| cSoulanges Canal......... 39 30. |. | ee a ---- 36] cLachine Canal.......... ti ee. Cornwall to Fort: William ,..2.. 3). 23... 1145 37| Montreal... Oe a From sailing course point north of light. 245 * To 'Loronto West Entrance.