Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes Directory, 1942, p. 247

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ENGINES AND BOILERS OF LAKE SHIPS--Continued - VESSEL ENGINES BOILERS Year Type | Cylinders and Stroke No. | Type Size . Acadian (Can) .-.-...2 3. Triple EXD. os... 16-26-44x30 2 Seotch 12'6"<10'6" 1913 Adams, Cuvla.. driple Exp 2... 22 14-36-60x42 a Scott. igo" xi Fo" 1904 Adriatic..... #2.) Triple Bxp. 3s. 22-35-58x42 2 Seotch. . ac. 139° x1 16" 1907 Affieck, B. Fo) TDG EXD... 2414-41-65x42 3 SOOECH = =, 14'x12' 1927 Alabama.*..... 2... Triple Exp... 23-38-62x36 3 BCOLGR 126s) 1909 Alberta. .......2- 3)... 3.2 POO A 8, 30-64x48 2 Scotch... 2 l4xi2' 1914 Algocen (Caf)... 2. 6 22 'Triple Exp. 6 2314-38-63x42 2 SODtCR 2 14°6"x1 16" 1909 Algomali....... 7 403.500. B.@ AS 18-37x36 1 Fire box... 8. Algonquins (Can)... Tople Exp... 15-25-40x33 2 Sor. 1037417" 1929 Algorail (ah). 8. imple EXD... 6... 2. 20-3314-55x40 2 SOOtCH. = =e 12'10"x13! 1901 Algosoo (Can.)... 2.2... tiple FAS 22-35-58x42 2 cote. 6 IS2°xi VG" 1901 Algosteel (Can). 2... TTpe EX. , 22 14-36-60x42 2 SCOUn 1... 13/9416" 1907 Algoway (Can)... 6 Tyiple hep. 20-3314-53x40 2 SCOLCH. =. =. 12'6' S176" 1903 Allen, Martha #8 Gey. Dietel © 1 Scoteh: 10'x11' 1928 Alpena... -:..5, 502 (Wed: Exo: 2... 1714-2514-37-54x36 2 Scotch. 2 1325116" 1909 Amazon. -..655. 4 Avie 5D)... 19-30-50x40 Z SCO. | IZ x12 1908 American: <2) 3 5.2. Prime Bs0. 0 ee. 17-25-43x30 2 SCOLCD,. 12*x1i 3" 1921 Angeline... 2 Triple Feo... 2.22... 22-35-58x42 2 Sou... Io eo si 1899 Ann Arbor 3. 2. 2 Triple xe... 1514-26-44x26 Z ScOmCn 4.4 ee. 1a xii 1922 Ann Arbor 5... 2 Triple PxD, 2. 2. 21-33-52x40 4 Sot. I3'6' ste 1910 Ann Arbor 6... 043 24rple Exp........... 1914-31-52x36 4 SCoen .- Is2 516" 1917 Ann Arbor 7.2... 40.2 @ tiple BPxe.. . 2014-34-56x36 4 SCOICN 2. 146" x1)' 1924 Anticosti Can.) Thiplé Hep. 18-30-50x42 2 Scotch... 13'x11 1921 Aragon (Can.)...0 2... Triple Hap... 17-27 14-46x36 1 Scotch. 2...) 126" xiz 1896 Arcturus. 3...) Tipe tx... 22 14-36-60x42 2 Scotch... Ge 13'S e116" 1906 Areil......0:3.5 25. tea... 20x24 1 Scotch... Vail' 1902 Ashcroft, (lan)... Triple Hep... 2414-4114-72x48 a Sect 153 X11 6" 1925 Ashley, Ouaa. Exp, 8... 18-2634-41-63x42* 2 Scot. 2 14'6"x11'6" 1909 Assinibola ((an jc Onuad Exp... 2314-34-4814-70x45 4 Scotch... . 14/10°x11' 1907 Ashtabula... 8 Triple 50.2.5) 1914-31-52x36 4 Scotti... 13'2 xt 16" 1906 Athabasca (Can). PSA. 30-64x48 2 Sate. 14'x1)' 1914 © Atlantic Trader) Iple tw... 19-32-54x40 2 MCOlGH ©. 1918 Atterbury, WW... Quad. Bxo............. 19-2714-40-58x42 3 Scotch. 2, 116x116" 1909 Aube (Can) Triple Exp... 2014-34-57x39 2 Scotch. ...... 1367396" 1896 Augustus, A: A. 2.2 role Ox... 46k: 2314-38-63x42 2 Scotch... 14°6"x1 16" 1910 *Ex. Str. Lafayette

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