HARBOR AT DULUTH, MINN. DULUTH, MINNESOTA 14. Berwind Fuel Co. Dock No. 2. 7 Capitol Elevators 4 & 5, 6 & 7. 5. 16 Carnegie Coal & Dock Co. No. 2 (Foot 50th Ave. W.) 6 Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. 8 Consolidated Elevators '"'B," "C," ""D' and 'G." 5 Consolidated Elevators "E," "'F," 'H" and 'I." 1 Cutler-Magner Co. (Cement Dock). 14. 12 Duluth, Missabe & Northern R. R. (Ore Dock). 4 13 Hanna Coal & Dock Co., M. A. (37th Ave. West). / 15 Inland Coal & Dock Co., (Foot 50th Ave. W.) 2 Marine Iron & Shipbuilding Co. 2 15. 10 Northern Pacific R. R. Lumber Dock. - 8 Northwestern Fuel Co. Dock No. 4. N 4 Occident Elevator. 6 9 Peavy Elevator. 116. 4 Pittsburgh Coal Co. 11 St. Louis Bay Dock Co. (Missabe Coal Dock). 17 Zenith Furnace Co. (Interlake Iron Corp.) Copyrighted by Fred W. Green, 1942 284