TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME g 2 OWNERS ¢ a L B D 2 Type Size No. Type Size Built 8 £6 oa: O OH Pm New. York... 2.2 242 Steel a5° G2 1G" fo TOI! AP 12x14 1-5 7'6""x19" 1911 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago, II1. Niggas Wood 35. 50' 153% 777 1011 State of N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y. Nipwon (Can)... Stcel- 206° 90 = 25' = 91" 1038 Abitibi P. & P. Co., Iroquois Falls, Ont. Nolan, Patty... .../... Siecl 22 41/8" 13° 7' ---: 1931 Diesel Merritt, Chapman & Whitney, New York. Worth Harbor... 2. eee, = fo O88 17h U1' ASI FRA = 14528024 1 7'x12' 1912 Wells Construction Co., Cleveland, 0. Motthem (an... ..._.. Steel. 396 1453 25 16 1911 Yrple 1422-38x27 Harrison & Sons, Owen Sound, Ont. otter, G. H. (Can)... Wood 33 © 517". 14' 55 1912 Gatineau Co., Montreal, Que. Como TV. Steel ao 60 17" 6'3'7 1900 Frank E. Fix, Buffalo, N. Y. Ocean Hawk, (Can.)....Wood 192 99/3" 24' O27 1913) F& A 20x36x30 1S 146%1D'6" 1912 St. Jom D D. & S B Co. St. John, S. Be WO Steel 06° Tr 30! 116" 1910 HP 24x26 1 EB 9'6"x10' 1910 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Olahona = Steel OO gi 20 175" 1913 F&A 18-36x30 1 S_ 10'7"x12'6"" 1913 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Oldheld, W.S. (Can.)°..Woed 15 42' 124% 5° 1898 Geo. Gorrell, Moulton, Ont. Onward (an)... Wood. 22 57 12' 6' 1902 John McGaw, Kincardine, Ont. Fe Steel Oo, 91". 19' G4" 1920 FF & A 18-36x30 1° 5S 10'7"x12'. 1921 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. (ane (Can), Wood .68. 79° 15' OF 1903 : Chas. Ross, Dunville, Ont. Csrey. Wood 29 587° 161% 57% 1031 Sxl6-1-5 6'x8' 1921 John Hallander, Harbor Beach, Mich. Oiiaeaiie sreel =429- 1415" 277" [4°3'" 1920 Triple 17-25-4330 2 § 12'x11'6" 1920 Standard Oil Co., Whiting, Ind. Parkdale (Can). ......, Wood. 26.42 --(3°7" 5° 1910 Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. Pog) Steel 1s 47727" 13! 513" 1916 Nicholson & Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Penatang (Can.).....-.. Moog, 100 2 1657 98 1901 HP 14-26x18 1 FB 7"6'x12'6" 1908 C.S. Lines, Montreal, Que. Pennsylvania... . 22500 Sie «= 90 fl 20 1G" 911. P ZoKze | 12'3x12'4" 1911 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Pee DB (an). -s....Wood 51. 66' 147. 86" .1910 FRA 11-20x16 1 Sorel Harbour Tugs, Sorel, Que. Priladelohia.... .. 6 =. Steel 45: 62! 16' To 19ll WP IZA tS 7'6"x9' 1911- Ina Schimpf, Buffalo, N. Y: Pieve Recne (Can)... Wood 142 73' 23' 10/5" 1918 F& A 18-36x24 1 S . 10'6"x13'6" Sin-Mac Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Pte. ke Steel AD 62' 16' TO -10ll HP igxi4- 1 5 7'6"x9' 1911 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago, Il. Pee AL Wood 92 76" 18 106" 1923. HP 18x22 1 FB 6'8'x13'4" 1911 McMullen & P. Con. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Pietz Wat... 2... Wood. 29 . 526" 1" 347 1902 A. G. Scheidenhelm, Erie, Pa. Point Hope (Can:)...... Steel Oo e277 A113" B22 19 Hillside S. G. Co., Vancouver, B. C. rratt, John (Can.)......: Steel 166. 80%" 22/1" 414" 1911 IS - 1165136" Sin-Mac Line, Ltd., Montreal, Que. Prewiont. -) =... Steel M12 27. 186" 1080 1930 Can. P. C. & P. T. Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y. 308