COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued fe Western Lime & Cement Co.-- Location: East side of Fox River next to Hurlbut dock. Use self-unloading boats only. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water at dock 18'6", channel 21 feet. Length of dock 500 feet. R. BR. Conn... C. & N. W. Wisconsin Public Service Corp.-- West Bank of Fox River, near mouth. Length of dock 650 feet. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. 2 tractor cranes--1 ton clamshell used. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 60,000 tons. R. R. Conn.: C. & N. W.--G. B. & W. HAMILTON, ONT. Canada Coal Co., Ltd.-- Purchasing Agent--R. O. Petman. Sterling Tower, Toronto, Ont. Use the facilities of The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd. Empire-Hanna Coal Co., Ltd.-- Vice President--John F. Burns. C. P. R. Blde., Toronto, Ont. Use the facilities of The Hamilton By-Products Coke Ovens, Ltd. Gillies-Guy, Ltd.-- Hugh M. Dunlop, Pres., 65 James St., Hamilton, Ont. Use the facilities of The Hamilton By-Products Coke Ovens, Ltd. Hamilton By-Products Coke Ovens, Ltd.-- Phone 4-5721. South end of Burlington Bay. Purchasing Agent--J. G. Morrison, 82 King St. 1 Heyl & Patterson. Size of clamshells used 11 tons, 7 tons on clean up. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. Storage capacity 500,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 23 feet. Can handle any length boat and miscellaneous cargoes. Channel 200 feet wide. Length of dock 1150'. Dock equipped for night work. RK. R: Conn.: TT; H&B. Co NR, CP. R. Supt.--J. Campbell. Res. Phone 4-3646. Megr.--T. P. Pinckard. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Ltd.-- Pres.--P. F. Ballou. Megr.--F. G. Dunlop, C. P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Ontario. Use the facilities of the Hamilton By-Products Coke Ovens, Ltd. The Steel Company of Canada, Ltd.-- Phone Garfield 1200. Located on Burlington Bay. Megr.--H. G. Hilton. Purchasing Agent--W. G. Henderson. 2 Mead-Morrison Unloading and Storage Bridges. Size of clamshells used 12 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 8,000 tons. 1 bridge is equipped with magnets for the handling of iron and steel products. Storage capacity 300,000 tons coal. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat up to 650 feet length and 70 foot beam. R. BR. Conn.: GC. N. KR. Too. & GB. C.F. OR. Supt.--J. F. Slee. F. P. Weaver Coal Co., Ltd.-- Phone 2-6875. Located Hamilton Harbor Commissioners, foot Wellington St. Operator: F. P. Weaver Coal Co., Ltd., Medical Arts Bldg., Ham- ilton, Ont. Mgr.--John H. Taylor. 2 Lorrain whirlies; length of booms: 60 feet. Size of clamshell buckets used: 134 yard. Capacity per 10 hours 3,000 tons. Self-unloaders and cargo ships. Storage capacity 200,000 bituminous, 5,000 tons anthracite. Depth of water at dock 19 feet. -- Length of dock 1,500 feet. Slip 1,000 feet. Any length boat can be handled. R. RB. Conn: C. N. EB. GC. PR To. @ EG. Dock Mgr.--N. Spaldin. Res. Phone 4-3560. Purchasing Agent--C. P. Hotchkiss, Toronto, Ont. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY 413