COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Can handle any length boat, slip 150 feet wide. m. &. Conn: G. N., N. P., Omaha, S00: D. S. S. & A. St. Paul, D.M. & N., D. & I. R., C. N., Lehigh. Gen. Supt.--H. B. Rayn, Duluth. Res. Phone Hem. 211. Asst. Supt.--J. K. Worthman, Duluth. Res. Phone Hem 2188. North Western Fuel Co., Dock No. 2-- Phone Broad. 107. Lehigh Road. Gen. Office: 2196 University Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Purchasing Agent--C. B. Garvin, St. Paul. Phone Nester 4641. 2 Heyl & Patterson. Size of clam shells used 6 ton, clean up 4 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 10,000 tons. Storage capacity 650,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle boats of any length. hk. Conn. G.N., N: ., Omaha, Soo, D. 8. S. & A., St. Paul; DM & N. C.N. Gen. Supt.--H. B. Rayn, Duluth. Res. Phone Hem. 211. Asst. Supt.--J. K. Worthman. Res. Phone Duluth Hem. 2188. Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co.-- Phone Broad. 134. Tom E. Danaher, Dist. Mgr., Minneapolis, Minn. 3 Heyl & Patterson (2 for anth., 1 for bit.). Size of clam shells used 5 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 4,500 tons anthracite, 2,250 tons bitu- minous. Storage capacity 225,000 tons bituminous, 165,000 tons anthra- cite. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle boats of any length or beam. Length of dock 1,200 feet, slip 1,200 feet, width 150 feet. K. RB: Conn.: G. N., N. P., Omaha, Soo, D. 5. S. & A., St: Paul DM EN. DLR. CN. Supt.--M. L. Reck. Res. Phone Broad. 1513. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Dock No. 5-- Phone 509. Allouez Bay. .. Megr.--J. B. Beardslee. Purchasing Agent--H. J. Anderson. First National-Soo Line Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 2 Modern Brown Hoists. Size of clam shells used 12% tons. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. Storage capacity 750,000 tons bituminous. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle boats of any length or beam. R. RB. Conn.: G. N., N. P:., Omaha, Soo, D. S. 8. & A. St. Paul, D. M. &-N., D. i BR. GC. NN. Supt.--W. B. Elliott. Res. Phone Sup. 5162. Gen. Supt.--John T. Crawford. Res. Phone Sup. 1897. Reiss Coal Co., The C.-- Phone 5527 Location: St. Louis Bay. Gen. Office: Reiss Bldg., Sheboygan, Wis. Purchasing Agent--2J. P. Reiss. 2 Heyl & Patterson Electric Bridges. Size of clam shells used 10 tons. Capacity per 10 hours 10,000 tons. Work day and night. Storage capacity 800,000 tons Bituminous. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. ~ Can handle boats of any length and beam. Length of dock 4,000 feet, slip 2,500 feet, width 150 feet. R. R. Conn.: Milwaukee, Omaha, Soo, G. N., N. P., South Shore, LS. t.& TR. K. Mer.--J. J. Gingras. Phone Broad. 3992. Superior Terminal & Dock Co.-- Phone 739. Located at Ogdensburg Pier, foot of 22d St. Rigs, 2 Industrials and 2 Brownings. Length of booms 60 feet. Capacity 3 15-ton and 1 20-ton. Loading and unloading capacity of each machine 50 tons. Number of tracks under cranes 6. Size of magnets used 55 inch. Length of dock 1,100 feet. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. ' R. R. Conn.: C. M. St. P. & P.--G. N.--C. St. P. M. & O0.--Soo. Supt.--C. F. Wolfe. Res. Phone 5048. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF GRAIN ELEVATORS 466