STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE THROUGH CANALS AT SAULT STE. MARIE,. MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO FOR THE SEASON OF 1941. EAST BOUND ITEMS U. S. Canal Can. Canal Total Vessel passages......... Number... 2 -. 10,901 2,043 12,944 Registered tonnage..... Net. 3... 42,937,298 1,601,963 44,539,261 Passengers. re Number... 4,248 40,969 AD Zh. Wood products: dumper. 6.2. MM. ft) BA... 29,336 1,142 30,478 Shingless))4 3... Short tons... 17,970 1,060 19,030 Puipwood .. 0.3. .:: @ords 2). 290,282 61,768 352,050 Flour... 6... 2 ee Barrels: . 2,817,750 3,311,230 6,628,980 Wheat 2 0.6. Bushels: 2... 273,703,387 23,175,475 296,878,862 Grain, other than wheat, Bushels....... 53,468,448 8,147,934 61,616,382 Coppel, lake. 225.) .. Short tons..... 15,061 [a . 15,061 Copper, electrolytic..... Short tous... - 7,637 749 8,385 VARO) 2 Se Short tons: 14,810 911 15,721 qron O©fe. 2 Short tons... 82,945,401 114,000 83,059,401 Scrap iron: Short tons. .... 259,839 23.253 283,C92 Structural steel... 2... - Short tons... 141,612 426 142,038 ONE. ee Short tons: .... 200 78,610 78,810 General merchandise ....Short tons..... 206,231 309,428 515,659 WEST BOUND Vessel passages......... Number... - 3... 10,119 2,802 12,921 Registered tonnage..... Net.) 2. 39,040,471 5,466,880 44,507,351 Passengers. 5. Number... ..:. 24,109 16,898 44,607 Goal, soll... Short tons... .. 11,784,913 268,995 12,053,909 (oat Nara... ke. ee Short ions... POO AAO ee 255,149 Won Ore. «22. ees Short tons..... 91,543 80 91,623 Siructutal steck'. -..<- Short tons... ; 79,808 26,984 106,792 Alt 2 Short tons... ... 36,229 14,177 50,406 Petroleum products..... Short tons..... 872,699 141,516 1,014,215 Stone*: 6.6. ee Short tons... 774,512 18,599 (93,111 Wood products: : Painaod =. oo... Cords... ---: oe re 6,350 6,350 General merchandise....Short tons..... 320,524 360,603 681,127 matomoniles. ..... 53. Number. -. -. 23,067 5,081 28,148 SUMMARY Vessel passages......... Number... 3. 21,020 4,845 25,865 Registered tonnage..... Net. 81,977,769 7,068,843 89,046,612 Passengers. 3 Wumiber 2; 31,957 57,867 89,824 Freight -- East Bound. =... ..-.- Short 'tons... -.. 94,093,964 1,919,374 96,013,338 West Bound. ..-...... Short tons..... 14,255,774 852,572 15,108,346 'Total frewht -. 2... Short tons..... 108,349,738 2,771,946 111,121,684 *Includes broken stone, gravel and sand. Compiled at St. Marys Falls Canal, Michigan, under the direction of Lt. Col. R. G. BARROWS, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. K. S. ANDERSSON, Major, Corps of Engineers. 480 Office Telephone Melrose 866 Superior 6040 Residence Telephone Hemlock 3916 Hemlock 1606 D. T. HELM & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents Board of Trade Bldg. DULUTH, MINN.