DECEMBER 1941 LAKE SUPERIOR IRON ORE SHIPMENTS FROM UPPER LAKE PORTS GROSS TONS--RAILROAD WE'GHTS Port Dock December % of December 1941 Total 1940 Escinaba....:.. 2)... CEN Wo. Marquetté... 25 ...5.- DSS 8A. 2 Marquetté. ...<..--.3- LS. 6f...2 52,145 6.24 8,685 Ashland. ..2.25.. =... CGN. We 8,294 1995 ee: Ashland. .....:2.....-- Soo Line. 3.26) ee. SuperiOr.. . < .4..6,.46-: Great Nor... --- 179,524 2150: Superior... 653 Soo Line. 2 Superior: 24.75.45: Wor Pac... Duluth, ..<...-2 4 DMELR...... 383,390 ASS. Two Harbors....2..... DM &t R.... 199,685 Za Ola. U:S: Ports: 2 3: Total: 4025. =: 822,998 98.55 8,685 Michipicotén......<.... Algoma Cen...... 12,083 1.45 5,862 Grand Total... 2)... 835,081 100.00 14,547 Increase from Year Ago'... 2... - =. 820,534 CUMULATIVE FOR SEASON Port Dock Season % of Season 1941 Total 1940 Escanaba... ...5-.. = C.&N.W... | 4,513,079 5.63 3,423,334 Marquette: 23. 8: DSS & Aj. 860,674 1.07 642,837 Marquette... 2. ..,55. 3. LS & 1. 4,797,998 5.99 4,843.452 Ashland. 2.72.0 2. CEN W....... 4,294,590 5.36 4,110,393 Ashland) 2-2) 2 5 Soo Line. 2.4.2. 1,932,860 2.41 1,857,821 Superior. 2-5-2... Great Nor.......- 25,484,085 31.81 19,459,831 Superior: Soo Line: 2.0... 1,032,324 1.29 842,121 Superior 2. 63 INoE Pac. 2.2.3. 1,229,328 1.53 1,200,131 Duluth: . 3.2.3... D. M. & I. R.....20,498,781 25.59 16,267,848 Two Harbor. .......... D.M. & I. R.. ...15,011,066 18.74 10,705,000 US Fors... TO 79,654,785 99.42 63,352,768 Michipicoten.........-. Algoma Cen...... 461,575 58 360,214 Grand Total... 363 ee: 80,116,360 100.00 63,712,982 Increase from Year Ago.............--+-> 16,403,378 25.75% 1940... .63,712,982 1937... .62,598,836 1934... .22,249,600 1939... . 45,073,052 1936... .44,822,023 1933... 21,623,698 1938... . . 19,263,011 1935. .. .28,362,368 1932... .2 3,967,985 The Lake Superior Iron Ore Association 1170 Hanna Building Cleveland, Ohio December 10, 1941 eee ee eee ee ec eee eeeee (0 046.6 ee eee oe eee % of Total S Baker Snore SURBLESE SABES _ 481 Phone: Cleveland 1204 Residence Phone: University 1995 JOHN GEHM Wholesale and Retail Dealer in --MEATS-- Marine Trade a Specialty 27 Elk Market Terminal BUFFALO : NEW YORK