H. R. KNUDSEN _E. C. KNUDSEN Dial 5037 Dial 4622 NORTHERN ENGINEERING CO. Marine Repairs 100 Ogden Avenue Dial 4211 SUPERIOR, WIS. Electric Mooring Winches Dial 5548 Electric Steeromotors Electric Telemotors Electric Whistle Controls Repairs and Service Benson Electric Company Third and Grand SUPERIOR, WIS. Calling from Duluth No Toll - Melrose 969 | Superior Phone: Dial 5551 BERTHIAUMES INC. Marine Supplies, Groceries, Meats and Ice Goods Delivered by Launch 1415-17-19 Tower Ave. SUPERIOR, WIS. PHONE Dial 5565 -- MARINE -- HAWKIN'S LAUNDRY MARINE WORK OUR SPECIALTY LAUNCH and AUTO DELIVERY NIGHT or DAY SERVICE Phone: Night Phone: Dial 5565 Dial 3006 Dial 5132 When in the Twin Ports Give Us a Trial 1310 Ogden Avenue SUPERIOR, WIS. 483