LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT TO LAKE ERIE PORTS SEASON 1938 April 16 .....,2..-5- 5) 02% October 22 20.65... .02 April 19 ...........-.500- -0234 October 26 0134 -.02 April 20 ...............4- 0214 November 10 2. -........... -02 April 21 32.5... .2) 021% November 16 ............. 02, April 22 :.3.55.,23........ 02 November 19... ..22..0....3 0214-.02% May 11 2.3.32 0134 -.02 November 21 .......... oe 021% September' 1 ..0...5.2.3.; .02 November 23 ........... 7 .: 0214-.03 September 1 2. ....25.0 2... 0214 November 25 /.2.5......5 5:5 03 -.038% September 17° 2... 7s. -0214 November 26 .....3...2. 2... .04 September 26.2... 22,. 5. 02144-.02% Wovember 28 -....2..-2. |=. 041, October 4... 2.3.22 .02%4 November 29--Close ...... 0434 October 13.2.5 .455...4..:. 02 -.02%4 SEASON 1939 March 6:2: 33020.555.. 2. .03 September 6 <.-...5 2.0.2... 03 «=-.038% March 11 |. 223... 02% September 7 2. ............ 0314-.04 March 23 .-0 = 0214 -.0234 September 8 9 .2....5. 5.0: .04 April 4 .....2232. 2. 0214-.02% Septebmer 183. 52.2. 04 -,0414 May 3 |. .2255-2..°5. 0234 September 21 2.22 5,2..... 04144-.04% May 6 ........ 2 0214-.0234 October 2.20... 24.2 041% May 15 2... 2 024%4.-02% November 10 .2..... 22. =: .05 May 18 -2..3:.2.. 2. | 02% November 18:26... 22. cs. 05 =-.05% Junel......5 0 .02 November 25.2... =. 05144-.051%4 June 20 ....0.52..2...2..; 0134-.02 December 2 2.2.2... .. ..c.. 05 -.051% July 29 ......,2 5...) 3. 02 December 5--Close ........ .05 August 12:05) 03 02% RECORD CARGOES Ore Cargoes 1941 Coulby, Harry... 2... 16,335 1917 Kerr DG...) 3: FAS oe 1940 Coulby, Harry >... 15,974 1916 William P. Snyder, Jr. ..13,694 1939 Block, 4. f.. 33.22. 15,778 1916 Col. J. M. Schoonmaker . .13,525 1988 Block, EB. 46 15,726 1906 H. Ho Rogers.......... *13,833 1937 Coulby, Harry... 2.305. 15,684 1905 Bo Gary 42). 2. ce: 12,003 1929 Coulby, Harry... 14,617 1904 -Al Bo Wolwin ... 22 e.: 10,300 1928 Donnacona .......7... 14,985 1903 William Edenborn ...... 7,800 1927 Donnacona 42. 14,532 1902 Barge John Smeaton ... 7,800 1920 W. Grant Modern, "Soo" 14,137 1900. John W. Gates ........-. 7,405 1920 Col J. M. Schoonmaker. .14,010 1899 Barge John Smeaton .... 7,296 1920 W. J. Pilbert ....... 2. 13,912 1898 Barge John A. Roebling.. 6,860 1920 Eugene W. Pargny "'Gary"' 13,864 1897 Amazon 9.902... ee. 5,464 1918 William P Snyder ...... 13,654 1896 Aurania: .....2..-....--- 5,119 1917 William P. Snyder 13,642 *Escanaba to so. Chicago. Coal Cargoes 1930 Le Moyne 2... 16,538 1919 W. Grant Morden ....... 15,500 1929 Le Moyne 7.202. 16,284 1918 Col J. M. Schoonmaker ..14,767 1929 Hartwell ......4..4...2.. 15,659 1917 Col. J. M. Schoonmaker . .14,751 1929 GCoulby © 0. 15,628 1916 Col. J. M. Schoonmaker ..14,474 1920 H. G,. Dalton(Anthracite) 14,614 1916 Col. J. M. Schoonmaker . .13,904 1920 Col J. M. Schoonmaker . .14,509 1914 William P. Snyder Jr. ..13,849 1919 D. GG Rew =... 15,532 1913 Col J. M. Schoonmaker . .13,712 1927 1917 1915 1914 1929 1928 1926 1919 1929 1928 1927 1918 1918 1927 1922 1920 1928 1925 1920 1920 1918 1918 1919 1919 1938 1922 1921 1929 1925 1924 1922 1925 1924 1927 1926 1935 1940 1933 Oats Cargoes Bushels Bushels Gleneagles = .........0%; 649,000 1918 Francis BE. House ....... 480,000 W. Grant Morden ...... 740,000 1917 William P. Snyder, Jr.. .496,500 W. Grant Morden ...... 760,066 1916 W. Grant Morden ...... 490,724 Mathew Andrews ...... 605,898 1915 W. Grant Morden....... 476,315 Wheat Cargoes Bushels Flax Cargoes be Moyne 20.02 ....... 571,885 Bushels Iie Moyne... 2.20522... 574,140 1916 Shenango .....2.5..... 445,000 lie Moyne =. 22522.4..; 518,000 1916 Thomas Walters ........ 415,000 W. Grant Morden ...... 504,908 1907 DOR: Hannah 2.50. .2.. 403,000 Stone Cargoes CC. Ds Bradley 3 3 3 ee a ee, 16,173 gross tons €. Dp. Bradley. 2.225.332 e ee 16,110 gross tons C. De Bradley ©. .3.2 2 3. Calcite to Buffington 15,724 gross tons DieG. ROrr ss es os a oe ee. Caleite to Gary 15,689 gross tons DG. 'Kerr 2 a es Calcite to Gary 15,689 net tons Rye Cargoes Le Moyne - 2266 a a 538,800 bu. Col.:J. i Schoonmaker ..0 30 513,000 bu. Emory li: Bord...) a a 502,000 bu. Welland Canal John He Pricec 6 ee 99,052 bu. Wheat IN. Bo MePherson (22-3)... +2. .6 ee 99,300 net bu. Rye Mapleheath= €Upbound) 2.2 .-..2 2.22... 3,939 net tons Pulpwood Keyport (Downbound): 22.64 41. ee 2,550 tons Bit. Coal Basten (Upbound). (2... 3.2.23... 3,.... 3,271 net tons Mfg. Pulp Toler (Downbotind). 3..........:...-. 3.03.53. 2,500 net tons Wheat Haddington (Upbound) ..<.-2 2..:..... 2. 2. ee 3,842 tons Pulpwood Toiler« (DoWnbOUNG) «<i 6.55365.) a 2,556 tons Wheat Corn Cargoes Lemoyne 2 5 a a 534,000 bu. hmory Li -BOrd = 3 er a a 487,325 bu. Harvester: 2 302 52 2 65 Fe ee ee 432,980 bu. Barley Cargoes Word, 1. Too fe a a a 542,076 bu. Toppin, (200 006. es es i ee ea 527,346 bu. FOMIDCrOr 522 oe ss ee a 401,000 bu. Black: eB ee ee 399,000 bu. FREIGHT CARRYING RECORDS James. MacNaughton: <2... 2.0.2 530,532 net tons Wins Kk Bield 2). 23. oe eS eae 531,876 net tons Glenesples: oc a a 649,000 bu. Frank-H- Goodyear «. so 02% coat ete ss a rc a oe ees 690,000 bu. Wm. G Mather .... 00.25. 2h 642,221 bu. Gol J... M. Schoonmaker ... 23.05). - 3o3 ss 655,749 bu. NEWSPRINT PAPER Royalton:--THordld' to: Chicale :. 56... ce ner en es. eee 6,791 tons 491