LIST OF ADVERTISERS--Continued CHICAGO, ILL. Page Page Columbia Transportation Co. ..... 022s ees e cere c cece eeeeees 43 American Shipbuilding O06. ... 0666.6. eee ok q Ferbert-Schorndorfer & Co. ....--.sccsecce sere cree cnencees 338 enn ke & SOU, he. AL oc. os ne es a. 339 Fries & Sehucile Co. The ..-:-....- 0565 .-4--s-- sess -e- 216 Berguid (ae Ce. 8. 8. ke ke 5 Carloek Packing CO. 521602166 es oe 126 Calumet Saipyard & Dry Dock Co. .......0772..3.2....2.... 320 Great Lakes Towime Co. . 2556 6 hb os ee es es 127 Chamber EVAR ik... eli ee ee 279 Green, Fred W. 2. 2. os ee 70 (icneo Sulppuidime U0... .. 5. ss i a 7 GREEN' S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY ...........-...... 21 Commercial Testing & Engineering Co. ba ee a. 17 Manna Co:, The M. Aose. 22 60 ae es al Pugecra C6 8. ie er ke, 68 Hollenden Hotel : <2 2.22.76. 2.26 ee ee ee: 86 Wismine © (0. M0... ce oa es Su 28 Island Creek Coal Sales Co. 2... 2... 6 se 9 Great takes Signe 5.0 a 334 Koppers Coal Co... 2 .....55. i356). 2 ee 1 Great Latics Towne Ob. ............2.05-2. 660 127 lanee & Co, 0. J. 3 5.22....52. 94 GREEN'S GREAT LAKES DIRECTORY ..............;.... a | heninan & C6... 26. 128 Island Creek Coal onles Co. ooo sc 9 Leopold Bros: Furniture Co: 22... 6s. so ee. 234 Miersh @ Mcbonnan 7... Fe ee eo eee ee 10. Lorain Coal @ Dock Oo. .. 2.2.2 2 e- 216 Porch: Pier Tersinial 00... oe oo es ee, 65 Manuel WS @ td. Be ee. 190 Oebornc © touee Fe 6g ee... 2 Marsh & BMeLennan; inc. ).... 2... 10 Peap0Gy OR a oe ee 238 Mitwaukee Western Puc) Co. 2... ...... 12.6... ccc es... 83 Bunt Cnieneo Coal &@ Dock Co... 2... 2c ce i 67 Morrison & Sens Co. Prank ..2..2.............2.;......... 188 Bris © Oe ee 13 National Malleable & Steel Castings Co... 2... 2... cvs... 230 Toot Alen C8 80 National Terminals Corp: ... 2... .2-.4.. 442, eee 65 MWAuee @ Noouan ....... 6 Bot North American ca OOM... 2... ce, .. 190 Oolebay-Norton @ Co. . 2... 62 a es, 43 CINCINNATI, OHIO Bie fedndie a oe ee e Island Creek Coal Sales Co. .........s2seseeeeeeeeeeeeeees 9 Pittsbureh Coal Co: .....5.....,... 2.0. 19 CLAYTON, N:; Y. Rainbow Sea Foods .................2...... 95 opengl fall CO, 1G. oo a ee ee: 184 heise Coal 00. ©..:. 2.3.0. 75 Bimitn BLOs. | 6256.) oi 127-295 CLEVELAND, OHIO " Dg Awerican Shipbuidine Co. ... oe q Stadium Yacht Basin, Inc. ....... 61sec eee eee ee eee eee ees 93 Beewied Wal Co 6 ee oo een OU " Pont & Comes ..... 6... 29 Sullivan & Co., D. .. 6... cece eee cece ene 13 Room Hole © Weldie Oo. 189 Timmermann, Carl... 3. 84 Bryson & 00,0. Wo... eee 90 Upson-Walton Co. ...... cece cece eee een ee ence eee e nes _ 3 Channel Gtcel Hull Cor... 2... 79 Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co............ se cee e eee eee eee 318 Cleyvelunad-Citis tron Co. ooo ee ee ee, 45 Cleveland-Ciifle Steamenip CO... i453. ss oe cee, Al COLUMBUS, OHIO Cleveland Stevedore Go. . 6... oo oe aT dpe Nev House. ....... 2. a 86 494