EE ERR GS I ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 120 LAKE ERIE NAVIGATION CO., LTD., E. A. Drake, Mer., Pere Marquette Bldg., Phone 35- 299, Walkerville, Ont. Str. Leslie Alexander LAKE SAND CORP., William Hausler, Mgr., 3201 East 95th St., Phone Central 1537, Chicago, Il. Str. Gilbert LAKE TANKERS CORP., 20 Exchange Place, New York, N. Y., Capt. Oscar Lane, Western Representative, 817 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Str. Allen, Martha E. LAKES & ST. LAWRENCE NAVIGATION CO., LTD., James H. Hunter, Pres., G. F. Benson, Jr., Mgr., Railway Exchange, 637 Craig St. W., Phone PL 8131, Montreal, Que. Str. Casco No. 126 LATONIA REFINING CO., land, Ohio. Bge. Sidney _ No. 126A LAVALE, A. R., Hamilton, Ont. Str. Champion LAWAY, E. J., 105 East State St., Cheboygan, Mich. Str. Islander LEGER, PAUL, Lachine, P. Q. Str. Jamica Str. Saulte Ste. Louis No. 129 LEVIS FERRY CO., LTD., J. L. Roberge, Mgr., Ferry Bldg., Champlain Market, Phone 2-5182, Quebec, Que. Str. Bienville Str. Colomb Str. Colbert Str. Cite de Levis Str. Cite de Quebec Str. Plessis No. 122 No. 123 No. 125 Midland Bank Bldg., Cleve- No. 127 No. 128 No. 130° LLOYD TANKERS, LTD., L. B. Lloyd, Pres., Star Bldg., King St. West, Toronto, "Ont. ; Bge. Bruce Hudson Str. Joan Virginia No. 131 LORAIN COAL & DOCK CO., Terminal 'Tower, Phone Main 6162, Cleveland, Ohio. Bge. Lorain No. 131A LYONS CONSTRUCTION CO., Whitehall, Mich. Bge. Peerless No. 1 No. 132 McCARTHY STEAMSHIP CO., T. J. McCarthy, Pres. & | Megr., Central Produce Terminal, 140-12th St., Phone cic dk 6151, Detroit 16, Mich. Str. Mead, Geo. W. No. 133 McCOLL-FRONTENAC OIL CO., LTD., R. F. Dimmitt, Supt., Marine Dept., Yardley House, Harbour and York Sts., Phone Gladstone 4606, Toronto, Ont. Str. Cyclo Brave Str. Cyclo Chief Str. Cyclo Warrior No. 133A McNAMARA CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. Geo. McNamara, Mer., 42 Industrial St., Leaside, Ont., Telephone (Toronto), Mohawk 1166. Str. O'Connor Dick No. 134 McQUEEN, J. EARL, 210 Dalhousie St., Phone 209, Am- herstburg, Ont. Bge. Koenig, Peter Tug Essex Tug Patricia McQueen Tug Progresso Tug Stokes, Henry Lighters Handy Boy Tug Maudie is a ees te Eh eh ec ate a PA a eed = tea ee ed Oy eisen et <dungn isen 1 eae Sa ae = a age 8 x Re ROE ees EO as A el Re Oe RS ea LF}