ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 228 UPPER LAKES & ST. LAWRENCE TRANSPORTA- TION CO., LTD., G. C. Leitch, Pres., R. B. Angus, Mer.., E. L. James, Supt., Queen's Quay at Spadina Ave., Phone Elgin 1158, Toronto, Ont. M. S. Blue River Str. Brown Beaver Str. Budd, Ralph Str. Clement, Norman P. Str. Eades, James B. Str. Ericsson, John Str. Grey Beaver Str. Huntley, Chas. R. Str. Judge Kenefick Str. MacPherson, N. B. Str. Pillsbury, John S. Str. Rammacher, John J. mtr. Richards, J. B. Str. Shaw, Howard L. Str. Stewart, James Str. Taylor, Shirley G. Str. Victorious Str. Warren, W. C. Str. Weed, Shelton Bge. Bryn Barge Bge. Glenbogie Bge. Holley, Alexander Barge 137 No. 229 UPPER OTTAWA IMPROVEMENT CO., LTD., Ottawa, Ont. Str. Castor Str. Fraser, Alexander Str. Frontenac Str. Greene, G. B. Str. Hamilton Str. Hercules Str. Oiseau Str. Pattee 2d G. B. Str. Pollux Str. Powell, C. B. Str. Wambis No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 230 VALLEY CAMP COAL CO. OF CANADA, LTD., M. K. Burdg, Mgr., 80 Richmond St. W., Waverly 7055, Toron- . to, Ont. Str. Valley Camp 232 VERMILION SAND & SUPPLY CO., Peter Full, Mgr., Vermilion, Ohio. Str. Holst, R. W. 233 WABASH R. R. CO., G. H. Sido, Mgr., K. L. Brenner, Pur. Agt., 611 Olive St., Ry. Exchange Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., J. S. Dant, Supt., Detroit, Mich. Str. Detroit Str. Manitowoc Str. Transfer Str. Windsor 234. WALKERVILLE & DETROIT FERRY CO., Foot Campau St., Phone Fitzroy 1038, Detroit, Mich. Str. Halcyon Str. Wayne 234A WATERWAYS NAVIGATION CoO., H. L. Caulkins, Mer., Phone CA-7461, 1203 Ford Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Str. Caulkins, Ralph S. 235 WEDDELL, ROB. G., Division St., Trenton, Ont. Tug Aurelia Tug Weddell, R. G. 236 WELLS CONSTRUCTION CoO., L. A., L. A. Wells, Mgr., Scofield Bldg., E. Ninth and Euclid, Phone CH 3390, Cleveland, Ohio. Bge. Kelley, Norman Bge. Pellett, J. H. Tug Red Crown Tug Stella B. Seow Wellston Scow Wawasee Tug J. R. Spankle Tug North Harbor 123