eos ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERS--Continued No. 238 WILSON TRANSIT CO., J. S. Wood, Pres., A. T. Wood, Mer., M. E. Kingsbury, Supt., J. G. Wood, Pur. Agt., 960 Rockefeller Bldg., 600 Superior Ave. N. W., Phone Main 0805, Cleveland, Ohio. Str: Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Str. Hebard, Charles S. Ireland, R. L. Kendrick, Edward S. Kinney, A. T. Kulas, E. J. MacNaughton, James Paul, Charles "A. No. 240 WISCONSIN & MICHIGAN STEAMSHIP CO., Ray Van Beckum, Mer., 350 N. Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Str. Milwaukee Clipper No. 241 WYANDOTTE TRANSPORTATION CO., S. T. Orr, Gen. Mer., A. D. Harris, Pur. Agt., Biddle Ave., Phone Vine- wood 2-3100, Wyandotte, Mich., Neil H. Morgan, Charter Agent, 1622 Ford Bldg., Phone Randolph 7622, Detroit Str; Robbins, S. H. Str. Taplin, Frank E. str. Upson, J. E: Str. Wallace. RK. B. Str. Wilson, Thomas 26, Mich. Str. Alpena Str. Conneaut Str. Huron Str. Wyandotte SPUN ROCK WOOL has been adopted as a standard thermal insulation on many cargo ships, and Canadian naval vessels of all types. In flexible blanket form for boiler lagging; with surface to receive plaster, or for a sheet metal casing. In bulk for cold storage rooms, and against hot or cold deck plates of crews' quarters the year round. The most highly efficient and durable insulation made. Will save fuel on every trip. Long and resilient fibres; will not pack down or disintegrate under vibration. Light in weight; fire- proof; vermin-proof and non-corrosive. For information regarding special applications, nearest contractor, prices, etc., write SPUN ROCK WOOLS LIMITED THOROLD, ONTARIO ~ On the Welland Ship Canal.