TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME 3 2 . OWNERS 3 gS L B D 2 Type Size No. Type Size Built § £6 33 O OH pf Aubrey. 5. Steel 47 56/5" 15/3" 7/9" 1908 Diesel 130 HP : Merritt, Chapman & Scott, Cleveland, Ohio Audrey C. (Can). 0.2: Wood' 87 .-71'8" - 16' 8/1" 1907 Marius Dufresne, Montreal, Que. Awela (Canyo Wood 34 56' 140" 6'6". 1869 Chatham D. G. C. Co., Chatham, Ont. Ayalon 3.0 Steel 13° 348" 13'6" 5/5" 1917 D. F. Ranahan, Buffalo, N.Y. Aviso (Can): 2, Wood 52.5477" 146". 7 1914 Harbour Commissioners, Quebec, Que. Avimer (an) (2) Wood'. 16 415" 11'6".4#7" 1910 Toronto Trans. Comm., Toronto, Ont. Band B=. Steel 51 60/6" 14'6" 6/3" 1909 Waterways & Eng. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Baker, Albert E.........Steel oe 00777 1b 65" - 1924 Albert E. Baker, Dunkirk, N.Y. __ Bahlenae. oso Steer: 437 - 142° 276" 148° 1919 Triple 17-25-43x00- 2 5 11'6"x12' 1919 New York Scow Corp., New York City. Barkhanistead ; 2.22.22. steel AS7-/ 142'. 27/6". 143": 1919. Triple. 17-25-43x30 2.5 11'6"x12' 1919 Pringle Barge Line Co., Detroit, Mich. Bapow. se Steel 422 142' 2U0 1446" 1919 <Triple. 17-25-48x30 2° S 11'6"'x12' 1919 Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. Batraliton 3; Steel 422. [42 = 27o" 14°68" 19190 --"Taple. 97-25-43530 2.5 11'6"x12' 1919 Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich. Baskatong (Can.)....... Wood 13. 365° 16' 3'4". 1900 ELP 18xl6x24 2° 3S 11'3"x9'6'", 1901 John Gilmour, Ottawa, Ont. Battle, James (Can.)... Steel. 208° 116'. 25". 13' 1888 HP 18-18x24 2 S$ 11'3"x9' 1900 Sincennes--McNaughton, Montreal, Que. pyion. ee steel .418: 142°. 2/7': 148 1919 Traple 17-25-43x30 2-5 11'6"x12' 1919 New York Scow Corp., New York City. Bay City...) 2 Steel aL BUS 18 a 1930 W. H. Decatur, Pt. Huron, Mich. Bayfield 2D(Can.)...... Wood. 75. .- 7157 13 9'7'" 1909 C. W. Cox, Pt. Arthur, Ont. ayport (Can): Steel Os. fo ly 16" 1944 HP 22-24 LEB 7'x12' 1914 Burke Touring Co., Midland, Ont. BOCK, AAs Steel ao Bla 1s BZ" 1915 Fred G. Shaw, Erie, Pa. Bellechasse (Can.)...... Steel . 389. 1422" 27 2 1912 Sin-Mac Lines--Montreal, Que. bettha (Can) 2: 2.22) 3; Wood. 18 514A" 10° o 4') 1891 F. Montgomery, Parry Sound, Ont. bess, Karl (Can)... 22. Wood 118 80' 20' 10' 1914 F&A 15x26520. DS 8'x12' 1909 Marine Industries, Montreal, Que. pe Steel 59710" 16'6".. 8'6'" 1930 Diesel 200. H1. P. E. E. Gillen, Milwaukee, Wis. ay, Nellie (Can.): Wood #15: 4272" 134 £2" 1890 Geo. Bruce, Toronto, Ont. Bolinder (Can.).-...<., wvood; 36. 63°. ~15'3" 63". 1920 G. S. Downey, Pt. Dover, Ont. Ponme Mac (Can:)...,. Wood 28 47' 13° i 2 AOI Dryden Timber & Po. Co., Dryden, Ont. Boone, C. A. (Can)... Wood... 44. 636" 15/5". 74". 1883 Charles S. Boone, Toronto, Ont. 08 te ae eteel 3 od Bo a6" 65) 1916 Lyons Cons't Co., Whitehall, Mich. mower). Fn re: Wood ~ 28> 4/4" 14°2"" 5/5" 1898 Jno. T. Bossler, Pt. Washington, Wis. Hoon: Cy. (Can): ..- Wood» 86. 75/4 18' 5'2"' 19007 Jno. R. Booth, Ottawa Ont. Bowman, A. T. (Can:)..: Wood 113.76' 2! 1a 1906 F&A 18x56n26 1. S 11'x1l' 1898 United Tow. & Salv., Co., Montreal, Que. Prazia .G. Mi. (Can.).. Wood 28 53' 14" So . 1893. HP 16x16 1 FB -5'7'x10' 1903 ©. S: Boone, Toronto, Ont. Britten, Fred A... 2. Wood 79 69' 18' 8'5" 1905 P. J. Cullman, Chicago, Ill. erOWEr, TY sc ee Wood 30 60' . 15' Ve B82 | Louis Gunderson, Alpena. Mich. _ 296