TUGS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued | § DIMENSIONS ENGINES BOILERS NAME 3 2 OWNERS 2 gs i B D bs 2 Type Size No. Type Size Built 6 | de >a MF. Nob... Steel 194 1062" 26' 13'7" 1903 City of Milwaukee, Wis. Mi F.D: No. 17: Steel 136 99' 24'4" 10'2" 1893 City of Milwaukee, Wis. | MF. 10, No. 29... 1: steel «148 96'. 25'S". 11%" 1906 City of Milwaukee, Wis. MiCniwan Steel OS 7 = 20 12%" 1913 HP 25x28 1 7'x12'3'" 1913 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Mildred (Can)... 0... Woed: 39 70'. 10' 3'5" 1903 : Archer Heintz, Bracebridge, Ont. Miner G.A 2. Wood 45 .525" 139" 611-1999 Garfield A. Miner, Green Bay, Wis. Minnesota. 2... eteel: ..8/ 716". 20... 12" 1911 HP 26x28 1: FB 7'x12/3"" 1928 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Mimnie W. (Can.)...<.. Woo of 63° 142" & 7191) NC 1xgl- 1 FB Ma 6xiZ' Consolidated Dredge, Ottawa, Ont. Minor, John A. (Can.) .Wood 40 50/8" 14' Be 2 1978 Keewatin Lbr. Co., Ltd., Keewatin, Ont. -- Wiiseford (Can.).. 5... Wood' 114° 80 -- 20 0'5'" 1915 Minister of Game & Fisheries, Toronto. Mississippi... 2-3. oe Steel S$ 71 6°20... 126" 1016 FGA 18x36x30 1 7'x12'3"" 1916 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Wissourt. ..2.,.¢0 2: Steel 08. 71 20" 126" 1915 HP 24x28 1 7'x12'3"" 1915 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Miss Pic (Can)... 2) Steel Pigeon T imber Co., Pt. Arthur, Cnt. Monaco (Can)... Wood. 10: 41'S' (8'3" 367. 1888 Robt. F. Girdwood, Montreal, Que. Monitor (Can)... Wood 62 605" 166" 7°23" 18990 Minister of Public Works, Ottawa, Ont. Niontana - 45 Steel OA. JAA 20" 12%" 1929 HP 26528 fb & CRi2'3 1929 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland Nooll..<.. 3... 8. Steel OL. 792 1p 2" 44 1905 Frank F. Fix, Buffalo, N. Y. Morgan, The (Can.)....Wood 43 68/3" 16/4' 6/3" 1911 C. F. J. Morgan, Pt. Stanley. Ont. Morning Star (Can.)....Wood 72 95/5" 12'5" 5/ 1907 David W. Munro, Gananoque, Ont. Murphy, Alice... 7: Wood 66 70' 16" 7 1881 Frank J. Murphy, Buffalo, N. Y. Murray, James J... Steel BO. Ole 471". (72 1904 Great Lakes D. & D. Co., Chicago, III. Mystic. 6:05.55. Wood 65. iG. 18' Oo 187) Zenith Dredge Co., Duluth, Minn. WNaramata (Cag)... 2... Wood 150. 893" 195" Bp 1913 C. P. Ry. Co., Montreal, Que. National (Can). 2... Wood. .16 30° (10° 4'6" 1903 City of Toronto, Cnt. Peebraska Steel Of faa" 20. 126" 1929 26x28 FS 7'x12'3'", 1929 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Nepitie 3 Wood 16 37 17. 36" 1907 Neptune Fishing Co., Waukegan, III. Nettie B: (Can.).. 2, -... Wood. 12, 377" 118" © 4/3" 1906 . P. J. Meneray, Thornbury, Ont. NCVER i ke, steel. 04. 744" 20' | 126" (1936 26x26 1° 5S 7'x12/3'"" 1930 Great Lakes Towing Co.} Cleveland, O. New Hampshire........ Steel ou 71) 20' |... 126" 1900 BP 20x28 1 x12 3" Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. INOW JEISCY. 8 pie = 90. TY 20" 126" 1994 AP 25x28 1 RT 8'x12'6" 1924 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland. O. New Meco...) a oteel.. 98 fl", 20° 126" 4010 WP 26x26 1 7'x12'3'" 1937 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. Now York, (6. Steel we of! 20 126" 7913 (FP 20x00. Yor B 7'x12'3" 1929 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland, O. 306