Port Huron, Mich.--On west side of entrance to St. Clair River, near Fort Gratiot Light. Southampton, Ont.--On the east breakwater, opposite Chantry Island. Sturgeon Point, Mich.--Near the lighthouse. Tawas, Mich.--Near the lighthouse. Thunder Bay Island, Mich.--On the west side of the island, about 5 mile west of light. LAKE ERIE Ashtabula, Ohio.--West side of harbor. Buffalo, N. Y.--On the south pier at the mouth of Buffalo River. Cleveland, Ohio.--On the west pier, entrance of Cuyahoga River. Erie, Pa.--On north side of entrance of Erie Harbor. Fairport, Ohio.--On west side entrance of Grand River. Long Point, Ont.--On south side of Long Point, about 1% miles westerly from Long Point Lighthouse. Lorain, Ohio.--East side entrance of Black River. Marblehead, Ohio.--On Point Marblehead, near the quarry docks. Point Pelee, Ont.--Near the south extremity of the point. Port Stanley, Ont.--Near Port Stanley. LAKE ONTARIO Big Sandy, N. Y.--North side of mouth of Big Sandy Creek. Charlotte, N. Y.--East side of entrance to harbor. Cobourg, Ont. Consecon, Ont.--East side of Weller Bay: Niagara, N. Y.--East side of entrance to Niagara River. Oswego, N. Y.--East side entrance of Oswego River. Toronto, Ont.--At the north side of harbor. Sub-stations at various points on water front. CHICAGO OFFICE: Board of Trade FITZGERALD COMPANY SHIP AGENTS AND FREIGHT BROKERS MILWAUKEE OFFICE: Grain & Stock Exchange Daly 1134 314