RECORD OF ORE LOADING DOCKS ON THE GREAT LAKES -d 2 ° ad ~~ B Su. S3 8 S , 3 | SSE ee ee : Railway Location S Be Bs 22s oe a 228 ae S388 a : an o. 3% 3 ws 5 o ome te wo = © 4 Be 38 882 =SSF S38 S85 SeRE 3 oo ee 286 GS se C8 286 Chee BSB fe Eaee Ge Se 4a Azs Chicago & Northwestert. <7. |. oo - Escanaba, Mich......... 5 370 5at50tons 92,500 4,142 37/9 5%"' 70'9"" 51/6" 32/14" 2,220' 45°0' 1910 Chicago & Northwestern: :.2 = 2... Escanaba, Mich......... 6 320 5at50tons 80,000 4,260 40'0"' ts Ye" bl 6" 35/414" 1,920' 45°0' 1925 234-30/0" ; : 78-30'0" 78 pockets 1908 Chicago & Northwestern... Ashland, Wis... -2.. 025 2 278 4at50tons 55,600 3,550 39/21%"' 70'41%4"' 49'6" 200-32'114"' 1,668' 45°0' 200 pockets 1924 : 200 kets 1917 Ghicago & Northwestern... 20 ee, Ashland, Wis...... : : 3 : Eh 5 at 50 tons es 4,260 40437" 135 5167 35/446" 2,040' 45°0' 140 arly aot ota : ,600 Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range..................... Two Harbors, Minn...... 1 224 5at50tons 56,000 4,532 B03: tol2, 51'8"' 34'0"' 1376" 48°0' 1912 * Duluth, Missabe & tron Range. 3). 6 ge. Two Harbors, Minn.. oD 228 6at50tons 68,400 5,360 40'37%" 80'0" 56'8" 35/0"' 1,400' 48°0' 1916 * Duluth; Missabe & Tron Range.-<...-. 02.023. Two Harbors, a " e 6 ane 6 at 50 tons ee 4,820 40'0" 74/2 14"" §1'84"" 34'0" 920' 45°0' 1916 and 1924 -* . . ota: > Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range..................... Duluth, Minn... 2.0: 5 384 6at50tons 115,200 5,313 40'8" 80'5" 56'0" 36'0" 2,304' 47°30' 1915° * Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range: 0... 22 Duluth, Minn..... - : : 6 a. 8 at 50 tons 153,600 6,560 40/474" 84'5"' 60'0" 36'0" 2,304' 47°30' 1919 * ota 268,800 Great Northern 2.757 Superior, Wis Du eee 1 374 7at50tons 130,900 5,620 Aloe 80'8"' 56/0" 36'0"' 2,244' 47°30' 1926-27-28 * Great: Northen 2 oes a Slperior, Wiss, 20. 2 350 7at50tons 122,500 5,620 41'0"' 806' 56'0"' 36/0" 2,100' 47°30' 19273 * 38/9" z Great Northern Superior, Wis. ce 3 326 6at50tons 97,800 5,100 38'9446" 77'0" 59/8"' 34'0"' 1,956' 47°30' + ee mi Great Northern = 23) 6 ee Superior, Wis... .. a AS /4 i belt 6 at 50 tons avons 5,035 40'2" 15.0% 62°62" : 34'6/' 1,812' 47°30' 191) .* Northern Paewic: 3 es oN Superior, Wis...... [ : =o1 "102 7 at 50 tons 35.700 5,490 40'6"" 80'0" Diam 34'0"' 612' 47°30' 1913. * Northern Pacific, 2, Oe ee eS 1 100 7Zat50tons 35,000 5,600 39'9" 800" ~ 592" 34" 44"" 600' 47°30' 1917 + Northern Pacific. 3 ondchxztn: 2%: : 5 ; 1 ee 7 at 50 tons nce 5,600 B08 80'0" 59'2"* 34/44" 648' 47°30' 1926 f{ : . ota : Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic.................... Marquette, Mich........ 6 150 7at50tons 37,500 5,940 43/3" 85/7" 59'0" 300 969' 47°6' 166 al Minn. St. P. & Sault Ste: Mane =) 2). Ashland, Ws 2 300 7at50tons 105,000 5,100 42'0" 81/0" 59'0" 34'6" 1,800' 47°30' 1 ie : : We ts 1924 Lake Superior & Ishpeming.-.....<. 2.2... 328. Marquette, Mich........ 2 200 5at50tons 50,000 4,590 43/0" 73°0"" 54/0" 35/0" 1,200' 45°0' oe any ! *Steel and concrete : ' DULUTH, MISSABE & NORTHERN RY. tReinforced concrete. E. H. DRESSER, VICE Pres. and Chief Engr. UPPER LAKE ORE DOCK SUPERINTENDENTS Alones--ireat Northern: 235555 6 ee ee A. W.E i or ae ee See oem Pa OMe i P. B. Sullivan Pareto BOO NN co ee a W. F. Armatrong, Agent Oi CANN ee D. Bergdahl two Marbore 0; @ TR i ee ee A H. P. Paulson Ashland--Soo Lin LF Be ee Be pe ee D. Bergdahl Hecanaba--0. © No Wi F. M. Fernstrom 316