International Longshoremen's Association Affiliated with AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR and TRADES and LABOR CONGRESS of CANADA Local No. 1295 GRAIN TRIMMERS JOHN S. DOYLE SECRETARY 412 SO. FOURTH STREET MILWAUKEE, WISC. PHONE BR. 1766 With S. H. DU PUY CONTRACTING STEVEDORES Milwaukee and Green Bay | | | 3331 Fratney St.--Phone Ed. 1665 | C. & N. W. Dock Office--Phone Ma. 3769 MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN SYMBOL of SERVICE Since 1890 -- Exclusive Sales Agents -- COKE Ford -- Wyandotte Equipped to load from coke ovens direct to vessels. COAL Marne -- Darby -- Dixie Molus -- Scuddy Yocum Creek -- Western Distributors -- D & H Cone Cleaned Anthracite Also shippers of other West Virginia, Kentucky Pennsylvania and Ohio Coals HICKMAN, WILLIAMS & CO. Lake Forwarders Phone: Ca. 7461 1203 Ford Building, Detroit 26, Mich. 377