ota eee COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES--Continued Size of clam shell used 2% ton Capacity per 10 hours, 1,300 tons Other rigs for unloading available. Storage capacity 150,000 tons. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 500 feet, depth 800 feet. R. R. Conn.: C. P. R.--C. N. R. Supt.--Thomas Rae. Harbour Coal Co., Ltd.-- Dock located foot Basin St. Purchasing Agent--J. Payne, 330 Bay St. 2 Koehring Cranes. Storage capacity 125,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 880 feet. R. B. Gonn.: GC. FR. Supt.--W. A. Walkover. Lake Simcoe Ice & Fuel Co., Ltd.-- Use the facilities of Halliday Bros., Ltd. Dock frontage 165 feet. Millar Coal Co., Ltd.-- Dock foot of Basin St., Ashbridges Bay. Purchasing Agent--J. B. Millar, 45 Richmond St. W. Depend on self-unloading boats. Storage capacity 75,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 22 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 400 feet. R. BR. Conmn,:. GC. NR. R. Supt.--C. W. Bottomley. Milnes Coal Company, Ltd.-- Phone Elgin 5454 Office, 66 Yonge St., J. P. Milnes, Vice Pres. Complete fueling facilities, weightometers. Located entrance to ship channel in harbor. 4 crawler type cranes. Size of clam shell buckets used 1% yard. Capacity per 10 hours 500 tons, total 2,000 tons per 10 hours. Use self-unloading boats only. Storage capacity 300,000 tons bituminous, 100,000 tons coke. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. Can handle any size boat. Rok, Conn.: Co NOR, RK. and ©: PF. AR. Pres.--J. H. Milnes. Purchasing Agent--R. J. Harding. Supt.--Joseph McClory. Res. Phone Ho. 7753. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Ltd.-- Dock located foot of Cherry Street. Pres.--K. E. Graburn, C. P. R. Bldg. Use facilities of The Century Coal Co., Ltd. Royal Canadian Fuel Co., Ltd.-- Dock located at 315 Cherry St. Mgr.--M. Y. Rotman, 11 King St., West. Depend on self-unloading boats. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. AN i Gonn.:: C. N, Bo Ry Supt.--J. Rossi. Standard Fuel Co., Ltd.-- 79 King St. East. Purchasing Agent--Gerald Nash. Dock foot Cherry St. Phone Gladstone 4664. 1 electric tower. Size of buckets used 1% ton. Capacity per 10 hours 600 tons. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. Length of dock 400 feet. R: 8. Conn. C. P.R.. Cc. N, KE. Supt.--Alex Cuthbert. Toronto Fuels, Ltd.-- Phone AD-7111. Located eastern side Toronto Harbor (Carton St.). Operated by Toronto Fuels, Ltd. 405 Front St. E. D. M. Springer, Mgr. & Pur. Agt. 1 Osgoode whirlie, length of dy 53 feet. 1 P & H Diesel. Size of clam shell buckets used 1% and 2 yard. Storage capacity 120,000 tons bituminous, 60,000 anthracite. Depth of water at dock 19 feet, channel 22 feet. Phone Elgin 7151. SEE OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ENGINES AND BOILERS 471