COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF LAKE COMMERCE through CANALS AT SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO for the Seasons of 1943 and 1944 Total Traffic for Increase or Decrease Per cent Season Season In- De- Items 1943 1944 Amount crease crease Vessel passages: Steamers. 4... Number 22.037 21,081 956 Ss 4 Salune. 2 6 Number 1,383 883 500 af 36 Unregistered....... Number 1,531 1,539 8 1 oe Totals 2 Number 24,951 23,503 1,448 -. 6 Lockapes. 35 2 Number 16,981 17,801 820 5 a Tonnage: Registered... .... Net 86,598,973 87,939,138 1,340,165 2 Hreight..4 3 2 Short tons 115,851,903 117,238,031 1,386,128 1 Passengers... -... =. Number 40,292 47,666 7,374 18 Wood products: Lumber. 22.2 02. M. ft. B.M. 22 0 22 a 100 Shingles'. 2. 03. Short tons 0 0 0 ae Se Palpwood.. =... ..... Cords 293,836 215,801 78,035 as 27 Hlodr: 2 3.2) Barrels 1,262,680 1,009,790 252,890 a 20 Wheat Bushels 288,480,417 407,551,648 119,071,231 41 Grain, other than Wheat.) 33. Bushels 97,926,886 123,301,946 25,375,060 26 Copper: bake =) 3 2 Short tons 0 0 0 Blectrolytic......:. Short tons 0 0 0 Fine: es Short tons 0 0 0 ee ae tron Ore. 222s Short tons 85,583,376 82,806,592 2,776,784 4 S M'f'd. iron and steel. .Short tons 156,585 235,597 79,012 50 a Serap fron .:... ....Short tons 190,127 81,033 109,094... oF Coal, soft Short tons 15,683,039 16,030,512 347,473 2 e Coalphard:... 3... Short tons 198,915 401,746 202,83) -- 102 a Salt... 2 Short tons 59,224 57,579 1,645 i 3 Petroleum products. ..Short tons 814,967 770,454 44,513 a8 5 Stone * 2 Short tons 1,023,608 724,122 299,486 3 29 General mdse......... Short tons 583,191 864,339 281,148 48 Be Automobiles......... Number 325 759 434 134 *Includes broken stone, gravel and sand. The United States canal was opened 31 March 1944 and closed 14 January 1945, season 290 days. The Canadian canal was opened 13 April 1944 and closed 5 December 1944, season 237 days. Compiled at St. Marys Falls Canal, Michigan, under the direction of Colonel Allison Miller, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. J. E. HARNS Engineer in Charge 492 STATISTICAL REPORT OF LAKE COMMERCE through CANALS AT SAULT STE. MARIE, MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO for the Season of 1944 EAST BOUND Can. Canal Items U.S. Canal Total Vessel passages.......... Number 10,481 1,301 11,782 Registered tonnage...... Net 42,497,435 1,525,861 44,023,296. Passengers: 3000 Number 24 23,504 23,528 Wood products: : Evanber. 0. Mii eM, 2 oh hl ee Shingles: 205 2.5 3 Shor tone: Pulpwood .) 2... Cords 134,234 80,662 214, 896: PIGUE ee Barrels 140,710 869,080 1,009,790 Wheat (2. Bushels 379,160,694 28,390,954 407,551,648 Grain, other than wheat . Bushels 102,329,601 20,972,345 123,301,946 Copper, lake'... 202 .. Shortens = id ee Copper, electrolytic...... SHOTUtDNS = = LE TANG HOE O08 ©. 6 st--<--~--St Tron Ore. a Short tons 82,708,152 23,488 82,731,640 Scrap iron. 822-4 Short tons 80,971 62 81,033 M'f'd. iron and steel... .. Short tons 173,950 15,513 189,463 Stone? 28. Short tons 5,340 27,870 33,210 General Merchandise... .Short tons 146,471 271,632 418,103 WEST BOUND Vessel passages.......... Number 9,553 2,168 11,722 Registered tonnage...... Net 39,308,834 4,607,008 43,915,842 PASSCNPErS 2 Number ot 24,107 24,138 Coal; solt..- 26 Short tons 15,692,593 337,919 16,030,512 Coal Ward' s. 2) Short tons 398,737 3,009 401,746 Tron ore og Short tons 74,952 2 74,952 M'f"d. iron and steel..... Short tons 34,539 11,595 46,134 Salt... 22 Short tons 47,048 40,531 57,579 Petroleum products...... Short tons 530,970 235,484 770,454 Stone*: 40 = Short tons 683,293 7,619 690,912 Wood products: Pulpwood. 2.2. Cords = fo 905 905 General Merchandise... .Short tons 114,484 Sal fol 446,235 Automobiles......5..... Number 27 732 759 SUMMARY Vessel passages.......... Number 20,034 3,469 23,503 Registered tonnage...... Net 81,806,269 6,132,869 87,939,138 Passengers. 22.2.2 i. Number 55 47,611 47,666 Freight-- Hast bound... -. 2. Short tons 96,849,541 1,866,754 98,716,295 West hound... 3... 3. Short tons 17,576,665 945,071 18,521,736 Total freight... 22. Short tons 114,426,206 2,811,825 117,238,031 *Includes broken stone, gravel and sand. Compiled at St. Marys Falls Canal, Michigan, under the direction of Colonel 'Alling Miller, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army. J. E. HARNS Engineer in Charge