GENERAL INDEX INDEX OF CONTENTS Page Page Grain Shipments from Chicapo.... 0. .2-.:2.0.73) 480 A Wew Gistorical acts and Canals) = <12.5.. 6... e. 325 Grain Shipments from Milwaukee ......:..:.......:..4...4 503 Alphabetical last of Vessels 2.60 v.00 a ee i. 129 Grain Shipments from Duluth ...........-42.2.5..¢5 > 3 506 Alphabetical List of Vessels, Shee Their Grain and Coal Grain Shipments from. Ft, William. .o...7 0... 35) .5...70 50 503 Carryime Capacity ©... 6: i 190 Grain Receipts at.Chicago by Lake .....2.....:... 5.7... 480 Alphabetical List. of Owners ...2.0. ....055.5..2. 2.250, 3. 97 Grain Receipts at. Buflalo .. 62.3303 506 Alphabetical List of Passenver Bouts -..°......-. 66 2 8, 209 Grain Keceipts at Duluth by Lake ...:..........25.31..4..7. 506 Alphabetical Last of Car Ferries 00.50.16. i. ie ee 207 Grain Receipts at Milwaukee by Lake ....7..:2........4.4.. 503 Alphabetical List. of Self-Unloading Boats.....:............; 183 Great Lakes, The ....:....64.-, see 326 Blast Furnaces That. Use Lake Superior Iron Ore ........... 497 Great Lakes Gareo Statistics .. .. -.. 2.2.45 ee 497 - Bulk Tonnage Shipments = 2.2.2... 4.043 497 Great Lakes Chart -...2.0...6.0.. 5, 243 76 Buffalo: Gram Recents 22... 506 Great Lakes Ships Acquired by the War Shipping Board .. 508 Canals... .... 30.) 2 327 Harbor Charts ..2..1 202-2. . 4 ei 270 Car Werres «20.5720. 207 Historical Facts: ...: 2...) eee 325 Carrying Capacitice of Lake Vessels . 20... 2 ee 129-190 Iron Ore Loading: Docks, ..:....5,.:.4.-..5....5).-... 316 Charts of Harbors =. 3... es ee 270 Iron Ore on Docks Jan. Ist1945 ... .. 0.00. ig ee A497 Chicago to the: Mississippi 22.20. 2e 330-333 Iron Ore. Unioadine Docks |. 2) .20. 6.05 365 Green: Bay. to the Mississipp! 24. 6.3 ee 330-335 Iron Ore Dock Superintendents (Upper Lake Docks) ........ 316 Coal Carrying Capacities of Ships)... 5. si kee 190 Iron Ore Freight Rates .. 2 0:5. eee bk ee 507 Coal and Miscellaneous Docks of the Great Lakes .......... ato Tron Oré: Shipments 00... le 495 Coal Shipments by Ports ..... 2... 2, 5s ee 505 iron Ore Shipments by Grades «2... 42045505. 495 Coal Shipments to Canadian Ports ..o....-. 2.2 -. ee eae es- 505 Lake. Pirie to Montreal'... .. eo... 0 335 Coal: Stapments, AmNthraciie -¢ oc ii a ee ee ks 505 Miscellaneous Docks ...0.. 620.0655) 6.6 379 Goal, Shypmeuts. Biumicus .. 3. 2 496 Names of Tugs Which Have Been Changed ,....-4.......;. 292 Coal Shipments to Dulath and Supevior ...7....6.9s 6s... A497 Names of Vessels Which Have Been Changed .............. 216 Coast Guard Staion a ee Sis New York State Barve Canal Terminals'... .....+:......,., 321 COMPASS, NG. Hoc ee aes ee ee 94 N.Y. State Canal System 42... 5....255-.. 74 Dry Dotéks of the Great Makes .05. 535 ee es 374 Passenger Boats ...... 0... sec e eee cece eee t tenet erence 209 Duluth and Superior Coal Receipts «.........-----6+.55-+> AQT Plimsal: Mark... <5 2 ee 504 Elevators: of the Great Lakes... 2556... ie ee es ee 337 Preface'. eo oe oe 13 Engines and Boilers of Lake Ships ...........--++..-+-05: 246 Record Cargoes ......... cece cece ete eee tenet eee e eens 490 Wiret. Snip on the Great Lakes... 00... the nee eee 325 Rivers ......- Doak bes eps ee b+ oe ee 326 Hirst Steamer onthe Great Lakes <.2.0.2002 66.8. ee 325 St. Lawrence River & Candis |. .20 2. 295, Furnaces Using Lake Superior Iron Ore ..............-..-- A497 mating Distances. 4 ....:. 234 to 244 General Statistics of Lake Vessels: ....<...4-+-- tes. eos - 5 129 sault Ste Marie Ganal Tratlic.. .. 2... 651, es 492 Grain Carrying Capacities of Ship .....05-0. 26 eeee ce eres 190 Shipment of Canadian Canals .........-. +. eee seen eee 500 Grain Elevators of the Great Lakes .-........-.-+.+-5---:: Bi! Self-Unloading Boats ....... ee Ghee P era uaa 183 Gram Shipments by Ports . <6. 5 a oe ee ee 503-479-80-87 _ Ship to Shore--Telephone Equipped Ships ...........+..... 483 513